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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Shouldn't be that hard. Breed the runts of the litters and you should develop a line of dwarf discus pretty soon. I think that is a terrific idea!
  2. seems like it would be easy to do. Pick the runts of the litter and keep breeding those.
  3. That's what I do too. *sigh* Still no hair algae in that tank. HAS to be the light wave length.
  4. I've noticed the ends of my latex lines go brown and brittle. I think that is some kind of oxidation. I need to buy a new roll anyway. I think I'm down to my last 50 feet or so.
  5. I've put in green and they still go after them. May want to blanch for pathogens, but I didn't.
  6. We all have to help each other, my friend.
  7. I think they were referring to if Nits were too high. Here's a nice page with shrimp params for ya: http://shrimpery.com/shrimps
  8. Maybe the color is mostly carried on the Y chromosome? Pics!
  9. My fault. For further info I looked at the web to find out where I got my wires crossed. Apparently cardinals will turn bluish if stressed. LOL I knew I'd heard something like that before. Thanks for the correction, Taylor.
  10. I always assumed that crust was oil being thrown, but maybe not (?) The good news is airlines are pretty cheap, so costs very little to replace it. It also may be time to open up that pump and see if there's anything weird going on in there. Sorry about the tragedy, man. That sucks. Keep watch for ammonia poisoning, or too much Nits.
  11. Those are pretty cool. Found what I needed. Thanks mpkee.
  12. "I also have 12 golden bee mischlings, which have bb gene." Is this possible? I thought goldens were recessive and won't carry TB. ?
  13. In neos, from my experience color is carried with females, however you still want to produce the best males you can. As long as you have two or three of your best studs, you can cull the worst looking ones IMHO.
  14. Isn't shrimpin' fun? Congrats on getting rid of your algae!
  15. Ah! So proper term is Procambarus fallax f. virginalis . Thank you! Wow! They are also triploid!
  16. How about a marina, or critter keeper on the lid?
  17. Maybe you should start a separate tank and breed those, too?
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