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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL Well, I'll learn as I go. Anyone know anything about foolproof methods of raising baby brine shrimp?
  2. I saw that about a month ago, but it suspiciously looks like a neo to me.
  3. Looks none the worse. Hopefully the fresh water will negate any ammonia.
  4. I'm so glad we have reviews here!
  5. I figured I'd document the successes or failures of my experience of raising N. Guentheri Killifish eggs all the way to selectively breeding them if I'm successful. In all reality I expect to fail several times while getting through the learning curve of this. heh Expect the worst and hope for the best and you'll never be surprised. I just ordered 40+ Nothobranchius Guentheri Zanzibar eggs from Spain, and they are to be mailed next week to me. The web says to feed newborn fry Infusoria. Seems they go after live food more than static. Any suggestions on what infusoria or where to get it? Would APR work? I hate growing live food. Did I mention I hate it? I'm never any good at it. Worse than terrible, in fact. I always seem to kill any culture I get my hand on. In addition though, I'm hoping if I put some java moss in with new fry it will help harboring tiny critters for food...? I need your experience folks. And away we go!
  6. Found a neat scientific paper written about comparative study between Marmokrebs and Procambarus fallax. In short, the research concludes that Marmorkrebs is actually a form of Procambarus fallax, and NOT alleni or a cross. This form of Procambarus fallax obviously has the ability of parthenogenesis- and although it exists in aquariums and said to be found in the wild of Japan, Germany, Italy, Madagascar, and the Netherlands- a natural population of them are currently unknown. Here's the paper if anyone wants to delve that far: http://www.ctoz.nl/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ctz;sid=85b8cb4e58ea2be46fd44ad7733e3272;rgn=main;idno=m7903a03;view=text So, although the paper does not mention a correct way of labeling them, I suppose it could be something like: Procambarus fallax var. Marmokrebs
  7. I know this is from left field, but have you checked calibration?
  8. LOL Oblongshrimp is an upstanding guy. I'm almost positive he won't mind at all.
  9. Just plant an above ground swimming pool, Subtle.
  10. Pretty weird, huh? Something similar happens to Cardinals, too. They turn blueish when the light goes out.
  11. Well, to each their own. You will find plenty of people who would agree wholeheartedly with your line of thinking. For me, I like bold colors. Heck, I'd be pleased as punch with a tie dye fish. LOL
  12. This is actually how they cull for the better ones overseas. They leave the lights off for a couple hours. When they snap back on the lights, they cull for those that don't show opaque quality and the white has faded somewhat. It's natural.
  13. I understand now. This color seems to be natural. Some goldens exhibit it too. Light intensity will better your white.
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