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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Awesome info. Thank you. I'll breed to improve a different color then.
  2. I forwarded that to my brother who is an organic chemist.
  3. Really? Hmmm...I may rethink my direction to go in then.
  4. nice subdued colors that could be brought out by selective breeding for sure, chibikai. Did you know it is a killi?
  5. No telling the future, Subtle. heh But for now, I'm gonna stick full aquatic.
  6. Welcome! Glad to see you here.
  7. For clarification, what species shrimp? CRS I assume?
  8. Never mind. Found that my auction runs longer than I need, so I can just hit the sold button when ended.
  9. That's okay. I added one manually. Let's see if it works...
  10. Is there a way for me to manually set a date for my auction to end? I'd like it to end Sat @ 10pm or hour after last bid (I'd prob have to do that manually,) but can't find the tool to be able to do that?
  11. Offer title: Auction- 4 Red Claw Shrimp Offer Submitter: Soothing Shrimp Offer Submitted: 10 Jun 2014 Offer Category: Shrimp OKay folks, this is a MANUAL auction for 4 Red Claw Shrimp. These are juvies/young adults between 1-2 inches. I have to clear my tank, so I can use it for another project ASAP, and I figured I can help get auctions started here at Shrimp Spot, as well as move my red claw shrimp out. :thumbsup: These sell for ~$10 ea. on different sites. Please note these shrimp are around 1" to 2" and gender unknown. Can grow around 3". Mine have eaten hair algae and flake food. Dwarf shrimp that have tagged along on moss placed in their tank have grown up with them without casualty- but no promises on companions in your tanks. Some sites say plant eaters, although they only ate hair algae in mine and left moss alone. Keep in mind I cannot replace DOA, and I cannot give any extra in packaging to make up for DOA. I'm selling off my stock of red claw shrimp, so I won't have the opportunity to do that, but I can work with you if needed. Pictures must be of DOA shrimp in unopened bag within an hour of arrival. Shipping is $10 for insulated priority mail, or- although I've never done it- I'm willing to try USPS overnight for additional mailing cost. Any missing claws/legs grow back in next molt, but I'll pack 2 shrimp per breather bag with moss to help eliminate any fighting while traveling. Please place bids in this thread as well. You have to bid manually, no automation yet, so please continue to watch this thread for bids. Auction ends Saturday, June 14 @ 10pm and an hour after last bid. Winner will have the option of buying 2 other (groups of 4) at the same winning price. I need these red claw shrimp gone so I can use the tank for a new project. This gives time for me to pm the winner Sat eve/Sunday and receive money through paypal for Monday mailing. Questions are welcome in this thread. Thanks! Click here to show this offer
  12. So I made an interesting observation today. I give light to my shrimp tanks during a lot of the day. A lot. Did I say A LOT? I'm talking 12+ hours. I ALWAYS have hair algae in my moss (and sometimes on sponge filters.) My fault, I know, due to the long photoperiods. But here's my observation: I use daylight florescent bulbs in my tanks so I can see true colors for selective breeding. Only one bulb on one side, directly over my moss. I ran out of bulbs recently and had to use a soft white florescent bulb in one of my tanks. That tank was started at the same time as two of my other tanks. Those two other tanks now have hair algae. The one with the soft white doesn't, but the moss is still growing well! I'm guessing different wave lengths? I may resort to soft white in all my tanks, but I HATE HATE HATE the yellow glow! Do the cheap white LED strip lights we have been reading about have the same effect as soft white where it doesn't grow hair algae?
  13. Another tappa tappa tragedy strikes again. LOL
  14. Also it just says to make a mixtures, but doesn't tell how much of each ingredient. Like the idea though.
  15. You can also use aquaponics emitters that are rated for their drips (Ie 1/2 gallon per hour, etc.) The advantage with the aquaponics route is all you have to do is make a "punch" in the aquaponics tubing with a special punch and shove the emitter into it.
  16. For those willing to go to extremes, they really are nice.
  17. That's a moss tree. Someone pd a lot of money for that. You are supposed to have moss in the branches to fill out. Made up of two different types of carved woods if I remember correctly. Nice item.
  18. Top on tank with in line and out line, and top on holding tank with out line.
  19. Wish I could, but no drain nearby. You'd have to have it drip from a holding tank that has been mineralized. I have wanted one for awhile ...
  20. Yeah...right now I'm investigating kribs and gardneri as two possibilities.
  21. heh You understand where I'm coming from, Subtle. Discus are sure nice. Very picky care though from what I understand.
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