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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I hope mine will be as hardy as yours!
  2. We'll find out. My shrimp room is badly insulated, so whatever it is outside is close to what it is in my shrimp room...
  3. heh I had a friend send me 6 crs last week. One died, but the others are doing well. My first attempt with them.
  4. Coolish. I appreciate the first hand info. Especially since the net is a good general guideline, but real folks know the best!
  5. Plus, you get used to it. I had a crappy one (rated for 5g or 10g or something) running 3 sponge filters at one time.
  6. Yepper. Currently retail sig conformation is around $4. Big business confirmation I imagine is a fraction of that. Often businesses will do this with expensive packages to make sure they are delivered. A couple bucks for peace of mind vs having to resend an entire package. It really depends on the company. I've received both.
  7. That's what I use too. A tip for ya with firefox. Click on "View New Content" Then instead of clicking on each thread and having to come back to see what other thread is posted to and going there- press ctrl+ left click. That will open a new tab for every new thread post you click on. Just click right down the page. Then go to each tab and close as needed because it is already open. A huge time saver!
  8. Not easy to do with the cost of importing nowadays. Also to take into consideration is how many shrimp are left after the ones who couldn't handle stress die. That increases price just that much.
  9. That's the same thing I was told. Occasionally I question that theory though.
  10. Maybe. When I was going through training for dialysis, certain meds could not be taken together because the phosphate and calcium would bind.
  11. Sometimes you can place the pump on a folded rag or sponge and that will quiet it a little, too.
  12. Do the tris and hongs interbreed? Inbreeding is actually good to fix a color, and show up hidden defects. With fish, how many times can you inbreed before risking your work and outbreeding?
  13. I'm actually envious. I think it's great people have such a good eye they can tell differences in moss. I guess it must be a developed skill.
  14. Tetra whispers are pretty quiet, but only come with 2 nozzles. You'd have to branch off.
  15. Hmmmm...not had a problem with it yet from the desktop. http://shrimpspot.com/
  16. May be acid, but don't know about fuel oil. I would think fuel oil would be impossible to clean out.
  17. My cards will eat this at 2-3 times the rate that my neos will.
  18. Man, if you could breed the trifasciata to bring out a bold blue, it would be a great match for a nice yellow red hongsloi. Do you have triple reds?
  19. When I had a 4 outlit I had the Top Fin 8000 from Petsmart. Around $30. Not super quiet, but fit the budget. I found I could lower the noise by adding long hoses on the outlits I wasn't using and later found if I closed off the hoses it became even more quiet. Of course it was quietest when I unplugged it. LOL
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