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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Han does a great job with those. I've had several custom made from him.
  2. When I was a newbie I wasn't even sure how to search or what for. The best responses I had then was when people just posted a link to a previous thread so I could read it. They didn't retype everything, and it still helped.
  3. Wrong info then. Not unusual from the net.
  4. I'm told that fish may try to eat the leaves?
  5. LOL Well, I'm 5'6" with midget hands...
  6. Well, because all my aquatic animals have to "work" for their keep. heh No breeding, then no maintenance money and that gets too expensive.
  7. Actually, when I was breeding hamsters I used Pam spray on the wire wheels. Worked like a charm, and non toxic.
  8. Thanks for the info, folks! I'm guessing the 55g is not long, but tall?
  9. I'm too impatient for that. I'm spontaneous, so when I want something I want it NOW. LOL
  10. What kind of ferts would they need in a plant only tank?
  11. Time, money and space. Ah. The holy trinity of breeding. heh You'll actually hear me say the breeding trinity time and time again. Wicca mentioned one way of selective breeding- and it is very effective. However there are lots and lots of different ways of breeding and theories behind breeding. Honestly, one of the best articles I have ever read on selective breeding is in the B&K #2, and talks about the bell curve and why it is so important. Trying to selective breed is easy. Place shrimp together and pray they breed. The theories about what shrimp, why, and how are the things that can make your head spin while trying to get a handle on it. I'm always learning and adding to my knowledge. Secrets will kill shrimping in this country. To add interest to shrimping, people have to be open to giving information. I am NO expert on selective breeding by any stretch of the imagination. However whatever I know- or think I know- I will share freely with anyone who asks.
  12. Problem is "info" is dealt out as needed. That's why the more active you are on a forum, the more knowledge you gain.
  13. I just have to figure out the direction to go. Whether to increase the white spots or go for lighter and lighter color to make a ghost speak.
  14. I think a planted tank looks awesome, but I can't find the correct shrimp I may need through plants- or I make a wreck trying to chase them through a jungle to get a specific one. LOL
  15. Simple wimple, Louie. Just moss in the right back corner and a sponge filter in the left back corner. Anything else gets in the way of selectively breeding my project shrimp.
  16. I hear ya. When I was in the reptile hobby, I knew some people who owned hots. Ie rattlesnakes, cobras, etc. Cool looking, but not my idea of fun sweating and having anti venom handy every time you had to clean the cage. Heck, even venomoids can grow their glands back!
  17. Yeah. Those are nice. And you are correct- many of those are just bent acrylic. However mine are just cut pieces put together. Many people suggest that you use this type of solvent for aquariums. Gotta be careful to avois bubbles in teh seams though because it weakens the structure. You can also use a Euro brace at the top and use corner triangles for extra strength:
  18. I just signed up online. I can use my phone# when I go to the store. Thanks guys. Is there a max size one can buy with $1 per g? Or a Limit on how many tanks?
  19. Beautiful yeah, but no antivenom is available yet, making it one of the deadliest reef inhabitants in the ocean. (!) Fascinating how it bred in the aquarium though.
  20. Louie, I have a couple tanks that were made for me. Granted they are both under 4g, but they haven't warped.
  21. What is good for a starter anubis, or are they all the same? I want to experiment with some different environments for them.
  22. Well, considering I'm less than a beginner with saltwater, I'd like to find something easy to build my confidence. LOL
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