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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm lost. You say don't use it with living things and then you say you use it with discus. Am I missing something here?
  2. I understand they are hard to breed though, and let's face it. All my shrimp have to breed and "work" for their keep. heh
  3. Debating that still. As long as the light doesn't heat up the tank, no biggie. Heck- never turn it off would be fine too. They eat algae.
  4. I just began a breeding project today with ramshorns coincidentally. I'm going to breed them as dark as I can. heh Maybe we'll have some black ramshorns soon. Anyway, years ago I found that a tenner worked great. Today I have an extra 4g acrylic so I'm using that. Spinach is miracle food for propagation and growth for these guys, and I'm using gh/kh SS with a gh of ~12
  5. Acrylic is also MUCH lighter than glass tanks and won't chip when you accidentally bang a corner.
  6. Can't tell yet. I did it to a selection of my yellows last year as an experiment. They just NOW are beginning to turn lighter from their brown... Regardless what it did to them, their genetics wouldn't be changed and should still have regular offspring. But boy are the originals ugly now.
  7. They really don't need anything special. If you want to do powder for peace of mind, you can. Bee pollen is also good.
  8. I have to think about this since I can tell right off usually. Cards have smaller eyes located higher on the head. Their body (to me) is also more compact.
  9. Yeah, those are nice. I really like the greens though. Know any green ones?
  10. If it is a first time berry (or 2nd time) she may drop them. Par for the course when learning to be a berried shrimp.
  11. Yes! The selective breeding sickness is catching!
  12. Thank you Camaro! Wait...do I need a petco card to take advantage of the sale?
  13. Thanks folks. It is SO nice to talk to people who appreciate the hard work put into my projects.
  14. Absolutely. There's a LOT to learn and experiences and theories are incredibly valuable!
  15. The offspring from a couple generations back are often sold so I can maintain my shrimp/tanks. My Nessies are still off limits because I'm trying for numbers so I can cull for better quality soon. For them, I just need as many as possible. They throw anywhere from low grade green cherries to high grade painted dark green. There are a couple different strains of green neos currently being introduced by other people, some not even breeding true. BUT as far as I know- I'm the only one in the world who has developed a strain like this with green pigment and 99.9% true.
  16. Thanks. I should be able to sell some next year. I've gone through hell and back creating that strain! heh
  17. Opae Ula are finally catching on in the hobby, so maybe other brackish species can too.
  18. May as well update some other pics. Here's my Sapphire project. Without Flash With Flash And my Nessie project Without Flash With Flash
  19. Someone pm';ed me and asked if I could share a pic of my BV project I';m been selective breeding for several years now. I'm happy to say that I'm getting some pretty good results with a couple more shades darker this year. Here's a pic I just took with the hood light on. I don't do color modifications via photo editor, so what you see is what it pretty much is. The 2nd pic is with flash:
  20. sw I think. Shallow tide pools of California.
  21. Anyone know where I can buy Heptacarpus pictus shrimp?
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