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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. According to the water company, "Planaria or their larvae are present in the water supply... they get to our taps. In the right conditions, they will grow. "
  2. Problem is snails are inverts too. So something that kills snails would likely kill shrimp. Most snails killers are copper based.
  3. Shrimp would eat them if crushed. Put a lettuce leaf on your sustrate, or a piece of carrot. After awhile, just pull it out with snails on it. Repeat as needed.
  4. Yeah. there's a difference between fishbenzadole and panacur. Fishben is pure and strong! If in the wrong dose, deadly. Panacur is a lot easier to work with.
  5. Perhaps both? I know there's a glass egg hatcher. I have one, but forgot where I bought it. Han maybe?
  6. It also means her schedule has changed. It's now 15.5 hrs a week. Higher level = more practice hours...
  7. Looks like Nadia made it to Level 3! Yay! I also thought we'd have to leave for another gym because of expenses, but the Head admin said she would cut some cost for classes if I would do some gymnastics equipment cleaning late night. So, it looks like we're staying for now. *shakes head* The things I do for my daughter...
  8. Easy. I'm butt-less. My wife doesn't agree though. She says I'm still a butt.
  9. Looks like a blue splotch carbon.:)
  10. Almost all my tanks for years have been cheap rimmed tenners. Good for practicality, but not much for a display tank.
  11. Well a 20g with hood can run ~ $75 in itself regular price. Rimless 20g or acrylic will cost a lot more than that. Hit up a dollar a gallon sale at petco, and you can get big savings on tanks.
  12. Rereading your post, " The shrimp that should be various shades of blue or yellow are clear. " Question is, would you be able to see the blue with a blue substrate?
  13. Wives tale is that once it flowers the plant dies. I read that that is really not true.
  14. I tried melafix with my marmorkreb crays and they all died from the chemical. Not sure how it is with shrimp.
  15. I've been trying to locate a buce flower chart out of curiosity. Has anyone found one?
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