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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I don't pay too much attention to expatriation dates when it comes to shrimp food. heh
  2. Shrimp mate belly to belly, so if it wasn't that then it didn't mate.
  3. Yeah. My wife's 2nd marriage, my first. The steps are 23 and 19, and live at their dad's. My family kids are 9 and the twins are 5. All have either adhd or add. It comes from my wife's side and is genetic.
  4. Do tell, Hungle, do tell. I want to learn.
  5. I hear ya. It gets frustrating selective breeding and that happens.
  6. You definitely have an easier(?) time with crystals since they can throw things and not get messed up along the way. Neos don't work that way at all. Go figure.
  7. I'd appreciate that. I'm also a prop builder/set designer for my theatre and I have to explain everything with drawings on paper/napkins. LOL
  8. I think I read once that hardly anyone has been able to keep octopus past 3 yrs. (?)
  9. Louie, would you post on another thread your breeding set up for your cpo please? I'm interested in the possibility of these, an don't want to hijack this thread.
  10. LOL Just noticed the name change.
  11. Every once in a while a male is either sterile or doesn't do his "job." Can't hurt to add a few more.
  12. They are big eaters. How warm do you keep your temps? Or should I say mother nature keep her temps where you are? Due to this new project, I definitely need more frequent and larger yields.
  13. Anyone know where to get florescent daylight bulbs that are the equivalent of less than 40w?
  14. Puts a whole new meaning to the term blue diamond. LOL
  15. It would be neat if something turned on and off the pump as needed. (?) Man, am I bad with words. No chance in seeing a drawing, is there?
  16. That's the kind of knowledge I'm hoping to find here. I just don't have that kind of tech knowledge.
  17. So I've decided on a couple thangs. One is to trade or sell off my red claw shrimp. They were in a family enjoyment tank, and now I can use that tank. So they'sa gotta go. And 2, when I first got my marmorkrebs, everybody- and I mean EVERYBODY said offspring would all look the same since they are clones. Exactly the same with no differences. Carbon copies. Well guess what. They definitely have subtle differences in coloration and spots, etc. Having this first hand knowledge under my belt, I'm going to try to selective breed them for more and more white. Maybe something else too while I'm at it... Should be a slow process since it takes 6 months or so until first berry, but nobody else is selectively breeding them for anything because they say it can't be done, so being boneheaded- I say I'll try! LOL
  18. Well? Update? --- This stuff is gobbled up in my Marmorkrebs tank!
  19. You would be correct if shrimp followed punnet squares. Unfortunately (from my experience) it isn't so neatly wrapped up.
  20. Sometimes depends on the shrimp an environment, too. I had a cherry colony come in that took about a year to breed!
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