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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. You can always ask for a different med. My stepson has reactions to a bunch of different ones. One even gave him an eye tic that drove him crazy.
  2. The best thing you can do is breed the shrimp and keep that shrimp with the progeny. Then keep your fingers crossed that the modifiers line up just right again for a future one of the opposite sex.
  3. Man I had a difficult time finding them when I was looking. Congrats on a great find!
  4. "Would dipping the cycled sponge filters in peroxide kill all the good bacteria I grew?" I don't know for sure, but I would think so since it attacks anything organic.
  5. I haven't worked with cards, so don't know first hand what to tell you. I would guess that sw x sw = sw ? Beautiful sw you have!
  6. So I'm thinking this could actually look pro made if you use http://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/roofing-soffits-gutters/gutters/vinyl-gutter/u-snap-4-x-10-vinyl-gutter/p-92379-c-12506.htm and http://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/roofing-soffits-gutters/gutters/vinyl-fittings/u-snap-end-cap/p-92383.htm
  7. Always- Always- Did I say ALWAYS- hard to start a strain from one shrimp...but not impossible. Takes luck and tenacity. Good luck and keep with it!
  8. Granted my neos are not cards, but some will give birth and often get berried again in the same 24 hrs.
  9. I think ADD can eb a blessing though. My wife has it and doesn't take meds. So when I get in trouble with her, she's not angry anymore 10 minutes later. LOL
  10. My snowflakes take several days- up to a week- to be gone entirely.
  11. Oh. I only put in a small piece in a tenner.
  12. That sounds like the ADD aspect. We don't have insurance right now, so a bottle of 45 count 10mg Focalin for us costs around $60 from Sam's Club- and no, you do not have to have a membership to use the pharmacy there. That bottle lasts us around 1 month. I think on the Focalin site if you can get the doc to prescribe Focalin XR, you can apply for the card which saves up to $60 each monthly prescription. Don't know the difference in cost though between Focalin and Focalin XR. http://www.focalinxr.com/info/savings.jsp
  13. Several people in my family have ADHD, and ADD. It comes along, unfortunately, with Aspergers syndrome often for my family. The body is basically saying "I gotta keep doing stuff, I gotta keep doing stuff..." So attention is short, energy is high, etc. The way I understand it, the meds excite the part of the brain that needs the stimulation. This enables the body to calm down. My kids claim they don't feel any different. No buzz or anything, but their body is able to be calm. The med that has worked with my immediate family has been Focalin.
  14. I find sometimes shrimp swim into the net, but not necessarily the one I want! LOL
  15. That's pretty amazing. Are you in Washington State?
  16. That's where I've starting keeping my shrimp at this year. Between 140-200. Haven't seen any negative effects yet.
  17. Not an easy situation. heh I was in that situation too for a looooong time. Seems like it would be so much easier if our hobby didn't take up so much room. Like stamp collecting or something.
  18. Offer title: FT Red Claw Shrimp Offer Submitter: Soothing Shrimp Offer Submitted: 03 Jun 2014 Offer Category: Shrimp I bought Red Claw Shrimp shrimp a couple years ago because my wife was interested in seeing larger shrimp. Now she lost interest and I'd like to use the tank for other projects. My tank is densely "planted" (moss, hair algae to eat, hornwort) so I can't tell how many I have in there right now. Forgive me, but I really don't want to pull everything out if there is no interest. The pics are about a year old now. Red Claw shrimp are very active. I keep them around 75-78F. The males get an opaque brown with long arms when full grown, the females stay a translucent greenish with tiger stripes and shorter thinner long arms. When berried eggs are green. I keep mine in a dense "forest" in a 20T tank and they do fine because sight lines are broken up. Very occasionally claws are lost, but grow back. I also have some dwarf shrimp in there and it seems they were not interested in them so they have grown up in the tank, too. Your experience may differ? They can grow around 3" big or so. I've never sold these as these were display for my family basically. They can be hard to find, and AB sells them for ~ $10 ea. I may go back to them again in the future as they really have some cool personalities- very crayfish like with waving arms. I just want to go in a different direction right now. Selling them would be fine I guess, but the money would just go right back into my shrimping hobby! LOL So I may as well skip the middle part and see if anyone want to trade for shrimp. (Not really a plant person.) Figured I'd offer here first since this is turning out to be my favorite shrimp forum. Just recently received some cards and so far they are doing well, even with my high temps here. So Neo or card or Sulawesi or ? trades may be fine. Try me Click here to show this offer
  19. How long have you had your neos in TDS of 52?
  20. Purple and green seem to be absent too. I saw Ocean and Fletcher, but Ocean is more blue I hear, and Fletcher pretty much affects color on fins only.
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