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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Speedie is an avid fisherman with his own boat. I'm surprised he hasn't joined in yet.
  2. I don't think many people know genetics of TB yet, but any TB is good TB. Congrats!
  3. I'm following along, dude.
  4. I have to admit that I am pretty amazed no one has bred a black discus yet. Usually melanistic is one of the first things to breed for.
  5. I still think that USB battery box is really cool!
  6. Interesting info. Shows how adaption can take place over time.
  7. I have 3. One has the ring on it, the other two don't. LOL I use the handle as a poker to move moss or whatever in the tank if needed. If I had the money, I'd have one for every tank so no cross contamination could occur, but that's in my dreams. LOL More tanks take priority over that...
  8. You can see how it's great for not stressing out the shrimp when removing culls.
  9. This is also interesting: "Trying with better power supply, whole roll draws 1.29 A and lights brighter. Still not good enough for closet or room lighting, but enough for under cabinet lighting. Power supply I used was rated for 2A, yet was not even able to produce 1A. 3A worked better. I'd say it is safer to use power supply rated for double of what is required. "
  10. Just repeating what someone had done: "OK you non-engineers...If you are using the whole length, try feeding current from "both" ends so that the resistance is cut in half, therefore the brightness is equal at both ends. This can be done bu using a two conductor speaker cable (if waterproof is not required) and hooking it up at the opposite end." http://www.meritline.com/waterproof-led-strips-white-16-feet---p-72364.aspx
  11. I don't think I've ever seen lava sand.
  12. I hear CRS are much more orderly, but neos - forget it.
  13. I read to make the LEDs brighter, you can connect the electricity to both ends.
  14. +1 That's about the only way I can afford the upkeep.
  15. I hear ya, my friend. Selective breeding can become a very consuming passion. Lots of aspects to it, from application to research. I love it when I can buy a new tank or upgrade something. I'd never be able to make a living from it though. You will make some neat friends, and have fleeting respect- but you nailed it, do it for personal satisfaction and because we all have to help each other. *thumbsup*
  16. +1 That's what keeps shrimping interesting.
  17. +1 My biggest tip is to selectively breed what interests you, not what you think will sell- or you'll be very disappointed. heh People are fickle, and what's in now is out later. It sounds as if you are interested in furthering interest in certain shrimp by working on varieties. Very noble, and I wish you all the luck! It's not an easy road, but fun just the same!
  18. Thanks Pika. I'll go one further though and say always question what anyone says- and if you agree, then try it. If not, search for another answer.
  19. Tell me about it. I lost hundreds of dollars on those darn BD. I hear they are better now though due to American breeders. I just received some Bloody Marys about a month ago. 2 died, but I think due to heat they weren't used to. They appear to be very hardy. I think they may be my absolute favorite in coloration and appear to have no real sensitivity problems like the BD did.
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