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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. A great way to do it that still allows you to relax is to have two tanks per colony. Tank A, and a tank B (or more later on) Tank A will hold your best colored shrimp of that strain, Tank B will be your less colored. Tank A will be your concern for selective breeding. Keep only the best of your trait in there and cull the rest of the babies into Tank B that doesn't match your standard. You will work on your bell curve with Tank A. Here's the trick- DON'T move from Tank B into A again. You can start another tank (A2) if you'd like to work parallel to A. Why? You are slowly gathering the modifiers together into alignment of the trait you want in Tank A. If you move a different tank shrimp into Tank A, it has stuff genetically in the background that you don't want. (The relatives were not bred for your goal.) It sets you back and costs you time. If you keep adding from Tank B, you may never reach your goal. Now the advantage of a Tank A and a Tank A2 (if you decide later), is that if- in time- they are displaying similar desired traits, you can switch out shrimp between the two and you can increase diversity, but it is not a necessity. Clear as mud? LOL
  2. Just google selectively breeding shrimp and a bunch of stuff comes up. Lots and lots and lots of ways to do it. Just depends how much you want to "work" and how much you want to relax while doing it. Something I've often wished is that I could "mark" individual shrimp for better knowledge of following genetic lines.
  3. Of course, you *can* cheat. I've started tanks in 2-3 days, but it is a risk. Ways to cheat: Have an established filter in another tank, and then move it over to the new one. Move moss/objects over from another tank that have been there awhile. Add something like snowflake. This is a food until biofilm builds up, but does not affect water params. --- Somepeople add Safestart to speed up cycling.
  4. Best article I know on selectively breeding shrimp is in the B&K #2. The whole mag is well worth the money.
  5. How long does it take for the to reach 2", 3" and 4"?
  6. How do you use dye for the pvc tube? Would you do some kind of DIY write up for us?
  7. Really? All mine sink. I *think* I only have java and peacock.
  8. I tried the feeding dish thang, but my cherries don't care and drag whatever to wherever anyway. LOL I no longer use the dishes.
  9. "I will hug him, and stroke him, and cuddle him, and sing to him, and call him George"
  10. LOL The tiny one? Nobody said it was practical. The opening at the top is not much for O2 exchange, you'd have to have an airstone in each compartment because there would be dead spots within, have to have snails to clean algae from the glass since doing it by hand through that small of an opening is not really viable, etc. BUT fun to think about. The larger $5k one is quite doable IMHO, but would take some creative thinking.
  11. I suppose it is possible that as a leaf dies it releases some potentially bad things that may be toxic in the water. I really don't know. It also may depend on how fast the shrimp eat it. (?) May depend on the leaf, too. If the shrimp won't eat it or touch it, it just decays I suppose. I've dropped in green mulberry leaves and dried mulberry leaves with no problems. The shrimp have swarmed on both and had nice meals. Dried IAL, or dried banana leaf is dropped in the tank by many and left until gone with no ill effects. The shrimp don't eat the leaf as much as the biofilm/decay fungus and the leaf is nibbed away t nothing over time. Some people do let it soak in a bowl or bucket for a week or so to add biofilm before adding to the tank, however from what I've been able to gather thus far it's just personal preference. We blanch spinach and other leaves, or drop them in fresh. I'm not doubting what you are saying, just finding the reasoning. The types of leaves we use for shrimping is enormous. heh
  12. Female judging from the underbelly, however many of the males do look that red. I reoriented the pic. I think the viewing it sideways may have thrown you off visually.
  13. I had a shrimper tell me once you could stand there and poke your finger in and out of the water all day long and it would essentially do the same thing. heh As long as the water tension at the top is broken, O2 has an opportunity to enter the water. How to do that depends on your own theories and preferences.
  14. I know what you are saying. The difference is the red shading is on the outside white, whereas regular golden bee color comes from tissue. It may be helpful to note that there are many breeders who believe that snow and blue bolt/red bolt are the same thing. (!) The difference is the amount of coverage in the color. If it is only on the cheeks, then it is labeled as a snow/golden. If it is further down the body i can be labeled as BB or RB. Of course there are other breeders who disagree with this belief.
  15. I don't do planted tanks, so I'm curious. Why take out dead leaves, if we put in dead leaves for shrimp anyway?
  16. New TB morph? http://www.garnelenchampionat.de/
  17. Here's some champion Red Bolts: From teh international shrimp championship 2014 http://www.garnelenchampionat.de/
  18. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/351-chriss-fish-room-basement-remodel/page-4#entry5128 http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/351-chriss-fish-room-basement-remodel/page-4#entry5133 or use your own valves in pvc http://jehmco.com/html/air_accessories.html Look at the AV1B or AVM12 or AVM20 Don't forget your air tubing. http://www.jehmco.com/html/tubing.html%C2'> Do yourself a favor and the 100' roll for long term.
  19. Does that mean the offspring sell for less of mixed pairs because now the strains aren't "pure?" I have no judgement either way, just interested.
  20. I have an Alita 60 running over 40 double sponge filters, with plenty more I can add- if that answers your question at all.
  21. So selective bred like shrimp, but not much known in the color genetics- also like shrimp? Are two different colors bred together frowned on?
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