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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. This is cool: http://www.save-on-crafts.com/longvase.html About 1.5g
  2. Filled to the top with water, that would be roughly 2.3 pints. (Yea, I get a little wacky and sometimes gotta figure thangs out. heh)
  3. Many shrimp breeders recommend not to clean the substrate. It could cause microspikes.
  4. In a nutshell, you start with an ideal TDS. When your TDS reaches X amount above that TDS, you do a wc to get back to your ideal TDS.
  5. Anyone know any color genetics of discus?
  6. I have some, but since I haven't bred these for a strain, I don't know if they'll throw other colors too.
  7. Wow. Maybe it IS the cuttlebone. (?) It never changed the TDS in my tank though. Weird.
  8. OKay, what's happening is that when you are topping off with tap, you are adding TDS into your tank. For instance- Let's say your tap is TDS 400. When water evaporates, the water is gone, but the TDS of 400 stays in the tank. When you top off with your tap, the TDS in the new water is an additional 400, plus you are adding that to your tank of TDS 400 water. This is where teh TDS raises. That's why when topping off, people use RO which adds nothing. TDS 0 (or nearly so.) It's not the cuttlebone. At least it never happened when I was using them.
  9. RES= Red Eared Slider? (Sorry, I was on lost of herp forums before shrimping.) Are you topping off with tap?
  10. There's been enough interest in DIscus, I thought maybe it could use its own thread?
  11. Thank you for correcting me. Yeah, 30". heh
  12. I love that tank. Minimalism at its best!
  13. I've sold some to people who keep them with cherries no problem.
  14. Beautiful. You prefer substrate instead of empty tank?
  15. We all have to help one another, my friend.
  16. You say you like snails. You can still keep them in there with the pitting, however have you thought about an all snail tank? That way you can control their params to suit them better? The best looking ramshorn snails I've seen have been in params similar to mystery snails: ph 7.8, gh 8, temp 76F They attack spinach and cuttlebone is great for them. Some people even use crushed coral as substrate (however ph above 8 seems to erode shells, too)
  17. How many are you able to keep in there? Do they breed for ya? How do ya ship them- or do ya even sell offspring?
  18. When you think about it, all they are are cherries.
  19. Low ph will pit shells. Too acidic.
  20. Discus are neat, but man- the size of a tank you'd have to have to keep them!
  21. How do you keep the eggs/fry from getting eaten? What temp? And do you have ramshorn snails in with yours? (I'm wondering if they are eating eggs, then)
  22. Soothing Shrimp

    CPD help?

    Everybody tells me it is easy to figure out the fems from the males, but for the life of me I can't do it- otherwise I would separate them for conditioning. They say look for the black spot like the fem gups have. But ALL MINE have the black spot, and new fry have been occasionally born so I know I have at least one male with them...
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