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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Are you using salt? That raises TDS through the roof.
  2. Rili. If one doesn't breed for the rili pattern, you see quite a few like that.
  3. +1 New food = new interest. Doesn't matter if you are overfeeding or not, they'll still investigate/eat.
  4. I use ramshorns, but they reproduce. Have you thought of the mystery snail?
  5. I've previously just used gh+. I don't see a problem with gh/kh though. They are super hardy and adaptable. In fact, next water change I'm using gh/kh.
  6. Yeah. See, I developed the want to work with genetic husbandry years ago. I tried hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, rats, etc. Then you have to feed the culls off, so I got into snakes, lizards, etc. All are beautiful animals, and easy to breed- but man do their cages stink if you even miss one cleaning. plus substrate all over, Constant replacement of things chewed through, etc. Then I tried keeping some shrimp. And I realized, I can keep several hundred in one place, if I miss a water change the room doesn't smell, water if spilled is not wood shavings all over, and better yet- many breeders just breed what already exists in large tanks. No attempt to even improve. So I got into buying some so-so strains of neos and attempting to make them the best I could. Very quickly I found out there is very little information on shrimp genetics, and lord knows I'm not teh best at figuring out these things- so I started doing selective breeding using the bell curve. How can I make this color better? Can I make it more solid? Can I make it into a pattern?- and then later- I wonder if I take this cool looking cull and breed it out, if I can make it into its own strain. heh I'm no geneticist, heck, I'm not even smart. I just use my creativity to have fun with selective breeding. --- I *have* thought about doing some fish though Louie. In fact, I went so far as to get some different kinds: I have Platinum White Albino Guppies (Man did I pay an arm and a leg for those), CPD, Least Killis, Gold Least Killis, and Orange Line Guppies. I know NOTHING about fish, which is why I enjoy reading the occasional fish threads here. When I received my White Guppies, I put the in remin RO and they did well. Then everyone on a forum told me that was wrong and put them in recon tap- so I did. Then I began having problems with fin rot. Lost two and use melafix to heal the other. I've now gone back to RO again, but they are hard to breed for me. Doesn't help that the fems are fry eaters... My Leasts were breeding great, then not so great. They kept throwing a majority of males, so I dropped the temp from 80 to 70's. I see almost no babies now. I thought maybe the moss provide better hiding space for privacy for breeding. All it's done is make it so I don't see my fish now. Ugh. My Gold Leasts don't seem to be breeding much either. *sigh* I've had the occasional fry with the CPD. But I only see maybe 1 a month or so. Maybe they are eating them? I LOVE my orange lines. But not many offspring from them either. Any advice from fish keeper is appreciated. I'd absolutely LOVE to get into selective fish breeding too. But I guess for me the fish would have to be prolific, easy to breed, and be able to be kept in contained paces without going after each other.
  7. LOL Well there ya go. Thank gosh for research, eh?
  8. To me as easy as cherries. Temp is a little higher for me though ~80F
  9. Do you have to change teh water every day or add food to the water?
  10. To be honest, it all depends how you use it. If it was showing off new products just in, it may be worthwhile. If a whole inventory was on it, or it was used in place of a full list view, I'd not like it very much as a customer.
  11. Cheapest I've found so far for this was Amazon.
  12. You wouldn't be able to know anyway from looks. They don't really look less or more in weight no matter what. :-/ As long as you are feeding, I doubt they are starving.
  13. +1 It never hurts to ask if there is any stock that is exhibiting different patterns. One word from experience though. Colors are much easier to breed for than patterns. If you have ever worked with rili or another pattern, you know what I mean.
  14. +1 I used to not remove DOA shrimp, but now I do almost as soon as I find them. All it takes is a small bacterial infection to be eaten to cause massive problems in a colony.
  15. When I had a molting problem in a 55g, it took a month or so for the dying to slow down and stop after the gh was corrected. Takes time for the remin to enter the body/shells.
  16. Entering the world of shrimping is misleading. Seems that often some of the "experienced" shrimpers forget the way they started. I hear statements such as "Those are easy, you'll have no problem." or "Just throw them in there and they'll breed like roaches." And while those who have been in shrimping for awhile may have already gone through the learning curve, there is still a scary sign for newbies (and sometimes not so new) that says, "Caution. Curve ahead."
  17. I haven't learned enough about this product to know one way or the other. Maybe it works well? I think there are some products that are marketed just to make money without any noticeable results, though.
  18. As a selective breeder, I encourage you to do so!
  19. yepper. I was dumb. Years ago, I had no real information and I tried one tank and they died. Then I figured that I researched enough (without a forum) that I knew what I was doing- so I set up 6 tanks at once...they all died. I've been known to be a little stubbern, so I was determined to figure it out. 2 more...died again- but this time, found out what I was doing wrong and the next thrived...eventually. Found a forum, learned what I didn't know....and how much MORE I didn't know I didn't know. LOL Now it's enjoyable and relaxing. If I'd had found a forum to begin with, I would have saved myself money and aggravation by doing it right the first one or two times!
  20. Perhaps it wasn't well advertised?
  21. I'm in awe at phase 22. Thinking of investing in some, but time will tell.
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