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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The neons? I think those are pretty, too.
  2. I have Malawa for cheap if you'd like to try your hand at them. I keep them at 80F and cherry params. They breed prolifically- even more than my cherries. I don't have the others. Would you do me a favor and label your pics, so I can increase my education with your picture posts?
  3. hmmmm... I think all moss sinks. The challenge is either you leave it be and occasionally put it back where you want it, or make it stationary with something.
  4. Cool info. Can't wait to see pics.
  5. The blue I have ready are BV or Blue splotched carbons. I'm working on my own line called Sapphire, and I'm about 2-3 yrs into it, but I do have some that don't fit the direction of my project.
  6. It is actually supposed to be a very smooth/creamy taste.
  7. Well it depends. I know there are some that have sworn that they have red dominate lines... and I suppose it could be. However, consider this. If you have a black het red x black het red, you'll get a percentage of reds. When a homozygous red x red = red, or black het red x red = higher percentage red, then all it takes is the right amount of reds to start over running a tank.
  8. I keep as many different varieties of neos that I can in order to selectively breed for the best traits. LOL 'Tis my hobby/passion. Do you have a favorite color, or a certain color you are looking for? I've always though chocolates are pretty, personally. Somehow they have been overlooked by many.
  9. Close. I think wiki says it best" refers to the seeds of coffee berries once they have been eaten and egested by the Asian palm civet"
  10. Seems funny to me that some of the same people like keyboard pintos, but will say stripes on neos are ugly. Not referring to you, of course. I think it's because so many shrimpers somehow become "elitists" over neos thinking they are somehow "under" their station in life. (?)
  11. Call me insane, but I'd love to try the Kopi Luwak coffee. heh
  12. Soothing Shrimp


    So how does everyone else take their coffee? Favorite brands? Recipes? My favorite way of making my coffee: 1/4 cup- 1/2 cup coffee grounds in the $12 coffee pot brewer 6 cups water 1/4 sugar powder french creamer My kids like my "Coffee au Lait" made the same way but 1/2 coffee and 1/2 milk as opposed to creamer heh
  13. One more thread for more reading fun.
  14. Simple $11 tenners from petsmart with econ hoods. Some moss and a sponge filter. Ubber simple, and cheapish.
  15. Agreed. It's very nice to have a relaxed forum to come to for discussion of our hobby.
  16. I'd love to see that (in a different thread of course.) Everything that I can read about them says they must have at least one green leaf attached to make chlorophyll.
  17. Some people do that. My gut tells me that if you are in the country, that wouldn't be bad, but if you are in an area where pollution may be in the air, it binds to the water and may be hard to remove that way.
  18. Couldn't hurt. Yo may get some very interesting looking shrimp that way. I like the opaque TiBs, but man it takes some generations to get there. To me the barely striped ones are so unattractive, I just never got into them.
  19. Thought about it, but don't think I'll do it. My understanding is that I need a tank for the water, then booster pump, then ro unit. So basically I would need a tank before my ro holding tank. I use a 55g Brute trash container as is. I just let the water run for as long as I need to. Then do most changes on the weekends.
  20. I'd say that's a beautiful tank. Too rich for my blood, but then again- mine are project tanks, not show tanks. If you have the moola, go for it.
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