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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Man, what a great answer!
  2. I think this thread will only cover TB. I'll follow your TiB or Pinto thread anytime though.
  3. Agreed. My tanks are in a badly insulated room. The shrimp are used to getting into low 60's and sometimes 50's, and up to over 80+ after winter.
  4. That's what happened to me during this past winter. It was so bad, I'm debating whether to even sell again during cold weather. It's been fine since the weather warmed up here now.
  5. Not bad for $5038.81 plus shipping. LOL Yes, I had to look up a currency converter. heh
  6. Ah, but the 55g would hold a larger volume of water and thus not only be a different parameter from whence they came, but also not be so confined as to have a heavy concentration of growth inhibiting hormones from other shrimp.
  7. Glad everything went well for ya. I'm too paranoid to meet anyone in person. I've read too many scary encounters happening that way.
  8. This year has been so crappy with the freak winter and all, the breeding of my shrimp have been thrown off all over the place. Me not happy camper.
  9. Deaths don't stop instantly, unfortunately. It takes time for the minerals to be absorbed.
  10. I *think* phosphates and calcium bind together.
  11. Not that hard to make out, Han. Here's a blow up on just one edge. You can see that it doesn't have a triangle shape, just a linear line. That line seems to be prevelant throughout the triangle. Not saying it isn't Christmas moss, but saying that it is confusing how it grows like this:
  12. I'm not getting these, but wanted to say that this is a very generous offer.
  13. As far as expiration- I never really worry about that. Shrimp eat food from the wild that have been decomposing. Bottom feeders. I don't think they are going to care.
  14. That's really neat, Doc. Is that with or without buffering substrate? How long does that last in the k-cup before needing a change? DO you have to replace a majority of water when you change then if adding a new k-cup since the saturation would be greater? (Old + new)
  15. For the price of buying the unit twice (or one API unit and two cartridges), you could have a 4 stage RO unit and pay ~$5 per filter. If you only have a nano tank, the API unit could be worth while. If you have MTS like several of us, a RO unit may be the way to go. Just depends on how much water you need to produce on a constant basis.
  16. Wow. That's a lot. Try feeding 3x a week, and not do dance. Dance is supposed to induce molting, and can actually be detrimental if premature molting happens..
  17. From what I can find, the unit cost around $40, with a $20 replacement cartridge. A person on one forum wrote that they got about 40 gallons out of the filter before needing to replace it. No idea on their TDS.
  18. If you can get them breeding well, there's a few people working on vars of cardinals. Here's one that looks black with white dots: And here's a strain of white legged, and irregular spotted: http://atyidae.wordpress.com/2011/12/07/white-legged-cardinal-shrimp-strain/
  19. That would be fine. Just add a water conditioner to take out any heavy metals or chloromines/chlorines.
  20. With cherries? Big time yeah. You'll be fine. I used to breed cherries between 300-400 TDS. Just changed TDS this year to under 200. I've received cherries from 1000+ TDS! If you use SS to remin ro, you can stay under 200 without a problem.
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