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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I think the sudden gh change is what may have done it. Keep doing what you are doing, and we'll cross our fingers.
  2. Are you using a spill over bottle, too?
  3. OKay, so each drop for gh or kh =1 So since it took 3 drops for gh, your dgh is 3. Pretty easy, right? What type of shrimp do you have? Diff params for diff shrimp.
  4. That's pretty smart doing cost checks. The bigger thing you want to do though is find someone reputable to sell to you. Ask around the forums who would be a respected person to buy from. Believe me, it is well worth paying a few more dollars to someone you trust. And if you haven't already, gain some experience with shrimp that can tolerate Oooops experiences a little better. That way a $5 shrimp dying is not going to hit your pocket book as hard as a $100 one.
  5. When I tried it for the first time, I swore I would never go back. I hope you have the same reaction.
  6. I have my RO hooked up to my shower head in a bathroom. You can hook it up to your tap head in the kitchen or bathroom, and just turn off the water or unscrew the attachment of you don't want it on. First, you have to figure out where you want it to attach though.
  7. I'm curious why you are asking since you seem focused on how much shrimp are worth. Do you have some to sell, or are you looking to get into the shrimp biz or what? I have to be honest with you, unless you can find an outlit for high priced shrimp in the US (not good odds, I'm afraid)- there's really not much if any money to be made in shrimp.
  8. People use the waste water for various things. Watering plants is one of the most popular. I just have my line down the drain. Not possible to hook it up to your tank, but it's kinda what a canister on a tank does.
  9. hmmm...didn't think of the check valves. Any idea on the type of selinoid?
  10. Just bought some from Ebay, so we'll see how it goes.
  11. Okay, so here's a simple design for a top off system. It uses a float in the bucket as a safety to turn off the pump if there is no water left, and a redundant float to turn off pump if one float is stuck in the tank and the water has hit the level wanted. The led is to know if there is no more water in the bucket. Here's my challenge... I'd like to use 1 pump per rack of tanks located on three shelves. Is it possible to do an auto fill system on ALL of them from one pump? I'd assume some kind of manifold would be necessary too.
  12. This is the type I have from catfishbi. I pd $20 and absolutely love it. Telescoping stainless steel handle (extends to up to 21 inches or so) and net that stays cubed and doesn't collapse when put in or taken out of water- so no shrimp stuck, no harm to legs, and minimizes shrimp panic. (pic is catfishbi's) I've not used it, but H4N has a what looks like a similar net for $15. (pic is H4N's.)
  13. Easy. Since Alder cones are so cheap, just buy alder cones. heh Pine cones are much larger and have sap which you really don't want for your shrimp tank. Alder cones are about the size of a dime/nickle and release tannins to acidify the water and make it harder for bad bacteria to get hold.
  14. I just use an XY 2831 double sponge filter for each tenner.
  15. You can get CRS for $5 or less sometimes, but they won't have solid white. For PRL expect to pay $65 for A grades and lots higher for better quality.
  16. Wait until your married. The look is instantaneous.
  17. will algaefix kill hair algae? If so, I can just get a bucket/tank and plop in my affected moss, let it sit and then rinse it off and replace back in the shrimp tanks after the hair is gone, right?
  18. I have an Alita 60 and love it. Like I said, it's loud- but put the load on and it will quiet instantly. A manifold is just a long tube. No reason in my mind why you would have to have a loop. Many people do that to run it around the perimeter of the fish room so they can tap into it at any time, that's all. No biggie. Oh, and when I put my pvc together for my side of the rack, I didn't use any glue,and it holds tight just fine. No blow out. I *did* use a rubber mallet to make sure it was in tight, but wanted to be able to disassemble if later if I needed to make an mods or just take it down.
  19. Nitrates are different. TDS is total dissolved solids. (dissolved ions, minerals, salts, metals and other chemicals in water.)
  20. It all depends if you have have the moola to gamble with. For most of us middle class people here in America, it is not even a reality to pay thousands. However from what I understand, in Asia a single shrimp is looked at as a symbol of your class in life, and once brought home is treated very well. Therefore one shrimp can be the price of a purebred dog. That's also why all the specialty foods, etc.
  21. crs, blue velvet, darker blue velvet, prl, blue velvet is my guess.
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