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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I've noticed this several times when I've moved shrimp over to fresh tanks. They grow like mad.
  2. Has anyone else found: If no wc shrimp stay smaller Frequent wc shrimp get larger ???
  3. check out dreamer yoyo. I think she was asking $60 for 5 or something like that. Nicely colored, too.
  4. You'd have to buy 100 minimum anyway from there.
  5. The first photo looks like it's skeleton, no?
  6. Nerites are pretty popular for keeping algae free tanks, but people seem to have problems with the eggs all over.
  7. Soothing Shrimp


    I like those, but it would be near impossible to keep them at the cool temps at my place.
  8. Somewhere... out there... it's lurking... ready to find its next victim...
  9. +1 For that kind of money, pics of that exact shrimp are par for the course.
  10. Louie, I have never had an infestation, however several of my shrimper friends have and relayed to me the challenges they have had with them. All I can do is share what they told me happened with their first hand experiences.
  11. A variety of cherry shrimp. Schoko (chocolate) originally imported from Germany, and selectively bred by me for painted coverage and to be darker.
  12. You always have the option of using the tank as a scud breeding tank and selling the scuds. The breed easily. A hundred of them sell for ~ $15-20 and are used to feed fish. I hear ya about Ebay though. For the most part, that's why I like to buy from other hobbyists.
  13. You can occasional find some Benibachi A Grade CRS that are unsexed for around $65/each
  14. High quality prl could run you into the hundreds of dollars.
  15. Only way to take care of that is to get the shrimp out and put in fish for awhile, or breakdown and redo the tank.
  16. They have a desire for protein which means they will take down juvies and below as well as each other at times.
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