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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. There is some speculation that blue bolts and red bolts are just snow whites with more color.
  2. You could, however I think the different stages cover different species without being too specific.
  3. +1 I used to do 400-500 and they were fine. Within the past year I've reduced to 140-200 and they are still fine.
  4. Almost any amanos, you will get from someone who imports them. As far as I know, very few have been successful in a breeding operation of them.
  5. +1 You can cut the airline at an angle so it has a point. Put the point through the slightly smaller hole and use forceps or needle nose to pull it through. It will be very snug and with the added silicone for assurance, no leaks.
  6. Not really. I understand the hard work/time/space and money that went into creating them.
  7. Some TB have more than one name for the color. I figured this would be a good thread to put pics/names to the color to educate. Wicca? Want to start?
  8. Seen a pic or two of those selling for thousands of dollars.
  9. I thought about breeding SSS for complete white, but the problem is without genetic testing there is no way to tell the difference between snow white and SSSS
  10. I wish. I had been looking for that quality for years and I finally gave up for the time being. I wanted the same goal as you.
  11. Mine grew fine at 80-84 as well. I think it just needs to get used to new params, then it will grow fine.
  12. After adult, people should be able to chose their own moniker, methinks.
  13. Looks good. How big is each section? 12"?
  14. If you have yellows try to stay away from astaxanthin though.
  15. Soothing Shrimp


    Christmas colors.
  16. Did you get it in yet?
  17. Or just do what I did and force screw them into the holes. heh
  18. They are both cherries, just different colors.
  19. Yeah. I did that for a while and they did a pretty decent job. Prob was when I fed them they wouldn't touch the hair for a while after..
  20. A seller once told me that he keeps a separate tank just for amanos cleaning up hair algae. He tosses in the plants and then takes them out when done. Don't feed the amanos in that tank.
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