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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Stripes and non stripes keep the tank interesting. heh Would you please use some punctuation in your sentences? LOL I have a crazy time trying to read your questions or responses sometimes because everything runs together for me.
  2. Sweet. I actually saved this to my bookmarks.
  3. *shrugs* Some tanks I only do wc on when TDS has risen too much.
  4. I like the stages of shrimp better. Just because neo shrimp are easier to keep does not mean they are not valued as much as cards.
  5. Not bad genetics. Just whatever you prefer. Some people prefer stripes, some don't. Stripes will give offspring to carriers of stripes.
  6. Glad I was around when the seam on my old 55g started giving way! I feel for ya, man.
  7. +1 to that idea. You could even have a grow out tank for them.
  8. Love your persistence and tenacity with this, man. I don't have much patience. heh
  9. Did we ever decide on names for different levels? (Number of posts?)
  10. Up to you, really. Some people like them, some people don't, but they are not detrimental to your colony unless you are breeding for solids or stripes.
  11. Do you do a continual water flow for your discus with an overflow to a drain?
  12. Microfish will eat babies, but watch them as some of them develop taste for adult parts, too.
  13. "Few r Inerbkt. Be rife,, acn" huh?
  14. Won't take care of all algaes though. And I *think* it has to be added before your tank has algae for it to be totally effective.
  15. I may disagree that 76 is too warm, but I totally agree that the gh may be your problem of your cherries dying. gh should be around 6+
  16. I believe it uses electricity to break water/produce O2, H2, O3, and peroxide intermittently.
  17. $160- 220+.... and I read that the diffuser is "a consumable item and will need replaced periodically. If you are using this product in accordance with the instruction manual, can be used for 9 months to 14 months" I have no idea how much the diffuser costs. They also have a Twinstar Shrimp that is supposedly just for shrimp and disease control. I *think* it is supposed to learn and adjust to your shrimp environment. Never used it, but if I had one or a large tank it may be worth it. As it is, I have too many tanks for it to be worth it.
  18. GPD means gallons per day in an optimal setting. If you have lower water pressure, the longer it takes to fill and the more TDS can creep in. My water pressure absolutely sucks. It's so low it takes around 3-4 hours to fill a 5 gallon bucket from RO. But I'll take my RO TDS of 15-30 over the 400-600+ TDS of my tap anytime. As said, if you have good+ water pressure, your TDS will be closer to 0.
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