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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. http://jehmco.com/html/air_accessories.html Almost any you use will be a pain to put in. I think I used the AV1B, but look at the avmp20. It may serve your purpose and your work is already done.
  2. I think the more expensive lights are better built. Mine was a cheapie and I think the moisture entered and burned stuff out.
  3. Did you check out purewaterclub.com yet? Here's what you are looking for, no?: http://www.purewaterclub.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=112&products_id=561&osCsid=8ff15183b4e2b2fa0d8e1f7eba55b601
  4. I think the idea is that the more powerful LEDs have heat that needs to escape so it won't burn out the LEDs. In fact, behind the brighter LEDs are heat sinks and sometimes even fans. If the front is covered (laying on glass,) the heat may build up. I learned the hard way that I can't have an LED light above open water with no cover. It caused all LEDs to burn out in less than 6 months.
  5. I wanted to use a tank to breed wild shrimp to be sure the endangered ones don't go extinct, but the rules and regs about endangered are redic. There's several cases where certain animals have only survived because of being kept in captivity. When animals are endangered, you'd think they'd allow breeders to have a crack at having them reproduce.
  6. I've heard any plant needs rest time to grow well.
  7. I love skittles tanks. I think all the colors are wonderful. Unfortunately, the longer they breed into further generations- they are not as pretty. The only solution I know of is to keep removing the juvies when you find them.
  8. I hear they are great on algae, but too few to do much on leftover food.
  9. You can connect anything with the right adapter.
  10. You will, my friend. You will. I use light strips and it can be a hassle running cords to them!
  11. I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like your shrimp are happy.
  12. Shrimp are opportunistic. So if a dead shrimp is in the tank, they'll eat them. It could be your food, but not necessarily.
  13. So I've had a love hate relationship with ramshorns over the years, I've recently started adding them to some shrimp tanks though and am really liking the way they clean up the leftover food/waste. What I don't like is they eat all algae on the glass, but I'm thinking I can compensate by doing some powder foods- which as a plus, they can clean up anything uneaten too. I know they can breed out of control, but some lettuce on the bottom and pull later does the trick. Any opinions?
  14. You will get hair algae almost guaranteed. I have my lights on for long periods, but will have to start using timers.
  15. As long as water is moving through the vertical tube with the bubbles, anywhere is fine. I place mine toward the middle/bottom, but some people place the outflow ABOVE the water line to lessen the sound of bubbles. As long as water and bubbles still come out, you are good.
  16. That little plastic wrench is a life saver. Makes life soooooo much easier!
  17. "Hope he stays in the nest this time!" Double sided sticky tape will make sure of that. J/K!!!!
  18. heh Someone had to tell me that, too.
  19. Very neat. I know some white animals turn yellowish, but agree with Louie that since this stays white it really will be quite striking.
  20. That's cool. Glad they are in the hands of someone who appreciates them. :thumbsup:
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