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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Yeah, but be prepared to be disappointed. The "purple" is actually camera flash off a black and white body.
  2. I agree it's a pity. There's not many vibrant green shrimp around.
  3. Definitely help. Keep in mind the color averages out. Good color x bad color = okay color
  4. Sounds like fair prices. I'll have to check with you later in the year. I usually don't mind gambling on shrimp, but this year has been slim on the breeding, so haven't even met maintaining costs yet.
  5. May I suggest that water conditioners won't need their own category, but perhaps replace that with Misc or Other? Also, what is the rule on trades? Can anything be used for trades to obtain aquatics? (Ie. games, mom's home baked cookies) or just Aquatic related trades? I don't think I've ever seen an aquatics forum allow non aquatics things to obtain trades, but that could be a unique opening for us? Just brainstorming here. Feel free to agree/disagree.
  6. So I notice that questions are still posted in the ad. Would the thread be redundant then?
  7. Ran across this, and thought it may answer some repeated questions: http://www.harpercollege.edu/ls-hs/b...rms/thumb.html
  8. I like the idea of the renew button for those that have continual products and don't need to type everything in again. I also like the pic in each to give an idea of what is offered before even clicked on.
  9. Sweet, so then the conversation and ad are separated. Not so much noise. Is the thread deleted automatically after the ad expires?
  10. Very nice man! Have any idea on what you'll be asking for them when ready?
  11. More males wouldn't hurt to increase your berry chances. Doesn't really matter where you get them as far as breeding them.
  12. Agreed. It does depend on number if shrimp and the type as well. I have a large number of Malawa for instance, and if they don't eat everyday. they become cannibalistic.
  13. I wonder if yellow will develop with age? Purdy though.
  14. Probably first berry. They'll do that the first time or two.
  15. That being said, everyone that I know who had hulks said they eventually turned black like KK.
  16. Not bad. Look at http://www.purewaterclub.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=95
  17. Hard to tell size. Can you guesstimate how big he is?
  18. The only Hulk shrimp I know are the TB. Do you have pics?
  19. I like both, but for definitely want the ruby as well. Some of the breeders have been taking that we will lose the ruby since dragon is dominate.
  20. The yellows should be interesting when bred. Scuttlebutt has it they are selected from orange rili that didn't have orange coloration- so I'll be interested in breeding out comes. Yepper. Sounds like carbons, but if they have the rili pattern then they are high grade (via American standards.) Keep watch though. Shrimp with Ammonia poisoning can last for about 2 weeks before kicking the bucket. Pics sound awesome when you have a chance!
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