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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The price is pretty amazing if it is the same stuff. :thumbsup:
  2. if it is a juvie, it is hard to tell this young. However if an adult, it does look male.
  3. How's your shrimp doin'? Still have any around or did they all kick the bucket? I know you were having challenges with the nanos.
  4. How long does i take to hatch, and me wanna see fry. heh
  5. "only eat it if nothing else is available" and usually hair algae.
  6. Hey congrats! Happy Mother's Day!
  7. A lot of people who raise shrimp swear by powdered foods so it's not as aggressive at feeding time and babies get their share, too. Likw Wicca said, it's not a bad TDS raise.
  8. +1 Unfortunately that sometimes happens with cherries, too.
  9. I also notice in our cp we have a new tab called "purchase comments."
  10. " Sorry, you don't have permission for that! [#SDSALESPRO0050] Sorry, but you don't have permission to add offers. Please contact the administrator. Need Help? Our help documentation Contact the community administrator"
  11. Powder of almost anything can raise TDS, but nothing to worry about with regular wc.
  12. I'll try this recipe. Now I have to get bottles of this stuff...
  13. so, if I put all moss affected by hair algae into a tank and put in algaefix, it would kill the hair algae right? Is there something I would have to do before returning moss to a shrimp tank?
  14. The more the merrier. AND the more info that can be provided.
  15. Unfortunately, history of shrimp is quickly lost. There's just no one keeping this info. I've tried several times, but information is almost impossible to find.
  16. I use the econ lids over my aquariums, with a 14w florescent on one side. I so hear you on wanting to light brightly and evenly. If it wouldn't grow hair algae, it would be a plus!
  17. May be how bright the light is.
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