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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Red dwarf is a British sci fi comedy. The first season is blah since they were trying to figure out what to do, but after that it started getting pretty good.
  2. My wife and I set the DVR and watch Tanked. Some of my favorite shows are in hiatus right now. Dr. Who and Red Dwarf.
  3. Yepper. Should be fine. Actually I bet many people would like to know more about koi. "Should be alright. Maybe make a thread under the fish If,you want." Excellent idea!
  4. Looking to trade for shrimp or SS gh+. Thanks! Here's what I have: (2) Grreat Choice 10/20 Gallon Internal Power Filters (5) Tetra 10i Power Filters (14) Havells #77723 15T10/cl-120v aquarium light bulbs (2) Crysta-Lux #CC25 25w/120v clear light bulbs
  5. Me? I make rocks look like collage professors. LOL Modifiers are like a deck of cards. Once you line up the cards just right, it makes a desired pattern/color. However not all those cards are are stack up just right in all the shrimp offspring. Only a very small portion will have them lined up correctly. Every time you cull the ones that don't display the trait, and breed the ones that do- you increase the chances of having the desired pattern show up again. The more you do it, the more the increase of the desired trait showing up. In short- a bell curve. Make sense?
  6. if you are going to do that, replace the cloth with a sponge and fill the bottle with filter floss. It will work wonders with your tank. A modified sponge filter.
  7. yepper. you can start a whole colony from only one male. All it takes is one berry. However be sure you don't confuse males with juvies.
  8. Shrimphug, When I started I lost 9 tanks of shrimp before I started understanding how to keep them. Don't give up. The biggest thing I found was to roll with the punches. When I became too serious with them, I became paranoid and tried to do everything by the book. When I relaxed and became more loose, I was able to learn more and observe how things worked. Frustrating? Absolutely. You can always take a break from them until you are ready to try again. You are already a step ahead of the game. When I started, I knew nothing about forums. Much of my stuff was through trial and error. A forum is a nice place to socialize, but is also great for differing views and a plethora of information to wade through.
  9. Ramshorns are great for cleaning algae off glass and leaves. They'll also eat debris, and food.
  10. Anyone else notice shrimpkeeping.com is down? http://web.archive.org/web/20131020012819/http://shrimpkeeping.com/water-params/
  11. Still a rarity, so the price is up.
  12. Depends what your goal is. You mentioned red shrimp, so red x wild will eventually make all wild.
  13. I never thought of that, but you could have used the boiled water for tea.
  14. Hey, that's great! Now all you have to do is work on the bell curve to get the modifiers lined up.
  15. Thanks, Oblong. I appreciate you going the extra mile.
  16. Do sexy shrimp only come in white and brown? I thought I saw a purple and white one on a site one time, but I may be mistaken.
  17. Congrats! Now the next round of hard work begins!
  18. Still blurry, but looks like a fem from what I can make out. The wild in the back looks male.
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