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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The red on is definitely fem, due to the angle in the 2nd photo she looks fem, too...but a better side view would help.
  2. I have to be honest and say I've never tried powder before. I was taught the pellet method, but over the past year or so I've heard so many valid reasons to feed powder (both from here and breeders overseas), I'm going to start and see my results. Still a little confused with measuring though. Does 1 pellet = approx equivalent weight in powder? It would make total sense to me, but wanted to verify.
  3. Yepper. He really did an awesome job on it. Then he tried to sell it as a poster, and teh mods gave him a hard time about it- if I remember correctly.
  4. Louie, I appreciate the encouragement. I just may delve into a tenner with saltwater shrimp later this year. In your opinion, what is the easiest sw shrimp to breed?
  5. It has a small audience in the US, but a very small audience is there. In other parts of the globe, the breed the stripe in almost every color as just another variation.
  6. Heyya Mayphly, Do you measure yours out, do a pinch. How?
  7. yeah. It would be cool if they flew around though like the scallops from Spongebob. LOL
  8. Other than natural leaves, etc- I'm interested in what everyone prefers as far as the form of food for your shrimp. Multiple choice is allowed if needed.
  9. Two challenges with muscles/clams. 1) They don't move much. They...just...sit...there... 2) When they die, there's almost no way to know until stuff starts dying off in the tank. heh
  10. I like a one-stop myself. Hate loading to another site and then coming to a forum. UGH! I'd rather just do everything here since I'm here!
  11. +1 I hear it doesn't hurt them, but yeah. I made the decision long ago that when I get sulas again, I'll store water in a heated bucket.
  12. Yepper. Males can get them too. Some high quality lines of neon have every shrimp/gender with the line. A nice bold straight line like someone swiped them with a marker.
  13. Thanks! My Nessies are hands down one of my absolute favorites. Speaking of params, I've really gotten annoyed at some of the shrimp breeders coming out of other parts of the world that have their params so pristine that it actually hinders the shrimp by making them too sensitive. After all, if a shrimp does not need an immune system with a sterile environment, after years of breeding the shrimp is going to lose hardiness. Doesn't mean it isn't a beautiful shrimp, or that I wouldn't pay to keep them in whatever conditions they need- but what a pain in the A** to do so! My Nessies and any other shrimp are just raised with a sponge filter. I use RO because I like to know what's in my water, remin with SS, and that's it. No fancy canister, no super duper ultaviolet filter, etc. Just simplicity. In short camaro, you shouldn't have any problem at all keeping these. --- Note: Sunshines will be called Sunshines The new project yellows are currently called yellows Which brings me to my next update. I just got some yellows in from someone, and I want to increase their color and hardiness. (I'm keeping them separately from my Sunshines obviously- as I want to keep my Sunshine line "pure" in order to continue working on it.) Currently I have the yellows in their own tenner, and am adding sunshine culls and my screwed up color yellows from my astaxanthin experiment last year. Nope. Still not regained their yellow color. Kind of reminds me of silver in humans, where once an overdose is inside the body- it never comes out- making the skin grayish blue. The astax yellows should only be screwed up in the p1, but not f1- so should be safe to use. Adding both the sunshine culls (prob stripes and not colored enough) and astax yellows to the yellow tank should be a good mix to really create nice robust and hardy juvies. Then it would be an ongoing culling for intensity of yellow.
  14. In fact neon yellows were bred to always produce that racing stripe.
  15. I boiled it when I first had it a while ago. Makes a very milky mixture. That when I decided there must be a better way. Haven't done it since, but I've not owned sulawesi since either.
  16. I don't think flow is your problem. Are you still losing shrimp?
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