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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sweet! Not very many eggs. Is that normal?
  2. I know clams and crays, too. I was just hoping maybe someone knew another type.
  3. Try hitting "more reply options" and adding it from there.
  4. I have played around with the idea of trying a saltwater shrimp breeding, but man does that saltwater stuff look difficult. I wonder if I could get by with just the marine water, and simple tank.
  5. Is the filter powder safe with shrimp?
  6. How long has your tank been running? How long have you had the shrimp?
  7. Who else knows of any other freshwater inverts besides snails and shrimp?
  8. Makes sense to me. The big effort is top make sure it is fully dissolved first.
  9. I use it for my guppies/leasts.
  10. Patterns are extremely EXTREMELY hard to stabilize. Can be done, but MAN is it hard!
  11. I had them, but don't have them now. Very easy to keep, but illegal to cross state lines. I didn't see them bother my shrimp.
  12. I looked online to see if there were freshwater starfish, but alas. Everything I read said no.
  13. I like both. Both they look very different from each other.
  14. Agreed. And the nice thing about the guards is that on occasion (when needed) you can take a toothbrush to it, and it's good again.
  15. I think oblong just had a bunch of cpd fry.
  16. Since I selectively breed mostly neos, I do SS gh/kh.
  17. Well, let's hope you get bored more often!
  18. Is it built yet? Can I bid on a pinto for $1 yet?
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