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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Yepper. The waste produce by shrimp/invisible food powder will keep it growing fast.
  2. Cool. So when is the Auction thang going to be available?
  3. "Is blasting sand not good to use with shrimp?" I use Black Blast from Menards for all my neo tanks. $8 per 50lb bag.
  4. I would pay the price if it bred jet black....
  5. It is just out on the American market, and it is a dark bred version of chocolate. I've read it does not breed true, but throws off other grades of chocolates as well. If that is the case, better to save your money and just buy regular well bred chocolates. Then, over time just breed them into what you want yourself, while having fun along the way.
  6. Oh, I see. I know a lot of people have has challenges keeping hi-tech tanks and shrimp as one display, however some have done it successfully. Perhaps one of them will chime in.
  7. Don't need CO2 or a controller if you use a buffering soil. The soil automatically drops and holds the ph constant.
  8. Honestly, I don't think we are nearly large enough to have any membership fees...
  9. Kbenson236, thanks for joining out forum. It's great to have someone here so willing to help, however there are a few things in your posts I'd like to educate on. "First I would recommend nothing smaller then a 20Gallon if breeding trust me I tried breeding Cherrys in a 10 and NOTHING" Many of use use tenners and below to breed shrimp. If you haven't had your shrimp breed in a tenner, then perhaps params were not correct. While it is true that a 20g will give yo more time to correct something if something catastophic happens, a 10g is more than enough to keep shrimp in. "TDS LOW like 0 which is essential for breeding!!" Actually a TDS of 0 will kill all your shrimp. "NEOs always produce UGLY babies when crossed" For the most part true, but not always. I know of at least two crosses that will not produce wilds. "Only shrimp that will interbreed are that of the same species NAME" Again not true. We can do hybrids in the shrimp world, too. "KK are like 99.00 each!" This statement leads me to believe that you are new to shrimp forums. (?) If you are- welcome! There's plenty to learn. Prices are often very different from fish stores than forums. You often can get kk for less than $20 ea. "Green Balbuti like much diff. parameters then the bees and so do the cherry's they cant be kept together." Many people successfully keep cherries and cards together. Some have even kept babaulti with them, too.
  10. Lets hope they live long and prosper, my friend!
  11. ",,,this package would allow, at some future point, to charge a commission completed sales which would be cool at some point to help pay for the forum expenses." As costs add up, I can totally see the need or that!
  12. We sort o have a vocab here. Run your curser over the underlined words.
  13. Ooooooooooohhhhh I likie. I like that I can keep straight what I've purchased from whom by having a purchased tab like Ebay has. AND I like the feedback is built in. Regarding payments- could it still be via paypal through this software? I really like this option thus far!
  14. I think you hit the nail on the head with something cheap to start with and upgrade if proven. Classifieds seems to be the best option at this point IMO. I love the idea of feedback, I must admit. Anyone else?
  15. I have to tell ya man, I wish I had laid styro down before flooring!
  16. What's that the movie said? If you build it they will come? heh Well...that and hard work. LOL
  17. Nice brainstorm, however I think it's more complicated than it's worth for the seller to keep up with all that. heh
  18. Perhaps we should do as we have so far with this forum? Have one lump area for auctions and as the auctions build it will become obvious of what should trend to needing to be separated to different areas, and then divide from there? I love the idea of the first week of every month.
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