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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL Naaaahhhh No one would agree on all aspects.
  2. A possible rule also is to be "active" as a poster. Whatever active is. Unless you want people just to come in and try to auction things and never deliver? I guess that can be remedied by requiring paypal though...
  3. "(prices were high in the beginning) " I imagine so. People are excited and then leave after buying and spending their moola, so the best bargains would be at the end.
  4. Great! We need people to do selective breeding to move forward the shrimping hobby in the US. It will test your patience though. Nothing in shrimping is fast. heh
  5. I think a once a month auction is a great idea. Not too sure what kind of app would be needed for this site though.
  6. Stabilizing won't be easy. You up to the task?
  7. +1 I've always admired them from afar. Never tried them....yet....
  8. Keep in mind you not only have to pay for the neos, but the licenses, importing fees and misc other costs. You'd really have a lot of $$$ to recoup before even breaking even. Cards and sulawesi would be a better prospect since you can charge 3x or more the price of an avg neo.
  9. I call those pseudo TiBs. Yeah, I've had them before. I ended up giving them to Oblong. I liked them while I had them, but I'm just not a TiB person unless opaque.
  10. If you do, give me a pm. I do mostly neos as a hobby and would love some of the new vars. Unfortunately there's almost no profit in neos, so importers don't do them much. Can't blame them. They would like at least their money back plus some!
  11. I tried googling, but didn't find any pics.
  12. Wicca, I don't know which died first, but I put the other with a plethora of opposite gender shrimp (I think it was BV) and it never bred either. Then it died off. Unfortunately, nature sometimes makes some shrimp mutations just attractive fish food. --- Pika, I'll try to get some pics of the Sapphires, today. For some reason the camera washes out the blue to a lighter color. I'm guessing wavelength or something? --- To keep my own brain straight, and to any curious out there that may be mildly interested in my projects, here's what I have going right now: BBRR- Blue Bodied Red Rili. I made up that label so as not to confuse the coloration with blue rili- which often does not have any red on it at all. I've neglected that tank for awhile trying to increase numbers in there. Perhaps it is due for a sell off to reduce numbers soon... Blue Chocolate- Just moved these 3 juvies over yesterday to a 1 gallon tank. They were thrown by my Schoko strain. Scuttlebutt as it that carbons come from chocolates, which makes sense. Several years ago I bought Black Rilis from someone as a curiosity mutation that had shown up in their chocolate tank. Looks an awful lot like carbons, but phenotypes can fool. Anyway, have no real plans for them other than to just breed them for a short while and see what happens. Maybe they'll be a hardy strain of BD, or maybe just another strain of carbon look alikes. Maybe I'll just sell them off later. Who knows? Nessie- I've been working with my unique strain forever it seems like. After the tragedy earlier that almost wiped them all out, they are finally breeding again. YAY! I have a 20g and a 10g for redundancy on these in case something happens again. I see berries, but not very many painteds right now. The Painteds were pretty much wiped out except for maybe 3-4. The majority are cherry type greens, but every strain has to start from somewhere. And as in almost every strain, the fem has the most color, while the males are pretty blah. I did get an orange thrown that looks like a tangerine tiger, heh And seperated that one to it's own tank, but it has no tankmates right now. BV- Yeah yeah, I used to call these DBV. In fact, I was the first to come out with the name DBV. And then less than a month later after I offered them to the public for the first time- others not only stole my strain name, but stole my crappy pics to sell them as counterfeits. Now, I just call them BV. (The original BV strain with the light sky blue see-through I call Classic BV.) A little bitterness reality pill I had to learn when I released these, that's for sure. Selectively breeding is a thankless job. The most satisfaction you will have is knowing that YOU were the first to do anything, because nobody else will know it or remember it. Then, people don't care how long it takes or the work involved- they just want a lower price. Perhaps one day I'll call them DBV again... naaaaaahhhhh Christmas Rili- First time you've heard of that one, huh? heh Green tissue coloration with some red pattern. One of my favorites thus far, but only have a couple thrown from my BBRR project. I just set up a tank for them last night, and plan to move them over today...VERY nervous as I don't want to lose this mutation due to something stupid on my part... Inkwell- All black cherry. I tried breeding an all black a couple years ago, but it went nowhere. Now, I'm using carbons to try to get to the same objective. Slowly getting there... Cellophane- All clear cherry. Yeah yeah yeah, I know there's snowballs already (Neo palmata), but somehow a clear cherry has been on my bucket list for years though. It's fascinating to me. Maybe because I work with cherries already? Zombie- LOL This has recently popped up in my Orange lines. A pale orange with a blue tissue. Only have one or two, so I'm interested to see if I can propogate it. Right now they are still small juvies, so coloration may not pan out- and the strain may be busted before ever beginning. But I'm following closely. Sunshine- The goal is a PFY with color intensity. Working with these for so many years, I was interested in comparing to another yellow strain. So I recently bought some yellows to keep separately. I was *hoping* that perhaps my yellow would be a bit bolder and brighter, however what I saw blew me away. Mine was incredibly bolder and brighter than the strain I received in. Already 2 of the new strain died after dripping, so sensitivity may be an issue, too- or maybe I goofed somehow. Regardless, I'm thankful I was able to buy the strain from a really nice person(not sure what I'll do with them yet), but I definitely know I'm going in the correct direction with my Sunshines. Sometimes breeding new colors works, and sometimes it doesn't. I have a long list of cultivars that didn't pan out for me- but you never ever know until you try. And sometimes...you succeed.
  13. yeah. That's why it is soooo important to deal with people you TRUST in this hobby.
  14. WOW!!! GREAT deals! What are Sunkist Bees? I've never heard of those.
  15. I think he may have eventual plans to sell, but wants to make sure that he can keep them first.... Am I correct, Will?
  16. We all have to help each other, my friend.
  17. Sounds like it. I agree with what you said before though. Perhaps there is no way to tell phenotype.
  18. BP is Neocaridina Palmata BV is Neocaridina davidi (cherry shrimp)
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