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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Maybe some questions are impossible to answer?
  2. Respectfully I have to disagree, heh. I've seen pics from Asia of White Shrimp selectively bred from CRS to eliminate the red entirely. Admittedly they go for $$$, but still...how would one know a spontaneous throw or snow white?
  3. So I wonder if that's a snow or a SSSS? Is there a way to tell the difference?
  4. Nice pics. Many people don't realize BV start out red, then fade to blue.
  5. Depends you feelings on it. I used to keep mine at 300-400+. Lately I've dropped them to ~140-200. I've dropped the gh lower too, and that played a part in TDS as well.
  6. Yes..and no. If environment is off, they may try to molt when they aren't ready and end up dying. Knowing that, you can sometimes try to force a molt for berrying, however you do run the risk of shrimp dying if not ready.
  7. According to artbystef, they'll also eat each other. Don't know the answer about eating baby shrimp. This is one of those things where I've heard it enough times, but haven't found if it is a myth or fact. My suspicion is that they'll out compete shrimp, which leads to deaths, but I have no proof.
  8. Can someone explain to me the fascination with buces or crypts?
  9. Lucky for you I've bred a mutant strain of shrimp that eats copper for breakfast. LOL
  10. LOL At least snails would be gone. ;p
  11. I think with tap the tds may be too high... (?)
  12. Yeah. I'm thinking of heating a 5g bucket, adding 8.5 and letting it sit for a week.
  13. I can run a black permanent marker over some neos if you want.
  14. I've never seen a 40L at my Petsmart here.
  15. Does it dissolve all the way? If so, I'm sure it would raise ca+ Also, many fish feeders use plaster of paris.
  16. The biggest thing I hear about 8.5 is the challenge to dissolve it.
  17. You may have a bit of a challenge with that one, dude. heh Oh wait...do they have to be alive? *ducks and runs*
  18. Although Cuddles may leave puddles. LOL
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