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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. yeah. I've heard really bad things about feds suddenly showing up on your doorstep and ready to "talk" to you.
  2. That's the type of opinions I'm looking for. Thanks B. Anyone else?
  3. Actually number 17 is Puddles. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/205-raok-5-cbs-mixed-grades/page-2#entry3399
  4. Yep. Sounds like what mine was. Hopefully yours is better.
  5. LMAO! Welcome to my world/frustration. For example, I was the first to come out with DBV, and then suddenly everyone was selling DBV- most of which were not from my strain. I just sell them as BV now due to my sourness on that. It's happened before, it will happen again.
  6. Secrets will make this shrimping community die, dude. heh Thanks. So far, only one has exhibited what I've been shooting for, so it will obviously take time.
  7. Here's my best painted Sunshine Shrimp thus far. Note that you can't even see the saddle. The dark spot is the "guts."
  8. Pretty sweet. Last 55g I had, was ancient and heavy. I found it at Curbies for nothing, and a week after I filled it, it split the silicone seals on teh side. Thankfully I was right by it when it happened, so no big flood...but I threw it out directly after.
  9. Been awhile since I posted on my journal. My Sapphires are doing well. Getting darker each breeding. Now if only they'd berry faster! But that's with all my shrimp right now. I'm naming my yellow shrimp strain "Sunshine." When I was checking over my tank today, I noticed that I am closer to my goal than thought! My goal is to create painted yellows. And today I found an adult has colored up to what I consider painted. A solid yellow, but the swimmerettes still are a translucent. Not perfect, but heading in the right direction. I actually took some pictures, but the light was reflecting really bad. Maybe you guys can make it out though. I was going to upload it, but I have to charge the camera first. Still maybe a year or two away, but a great direction to head in after about 3-4 years of working with them!
  10. Sorry man. I deal mostly in neos. Hopefully someone else will be able to step forward and help.
  11. No apology necessary. He's a good guy from all the stuff I've read. Group buys are always a risk. Sometimes you get nothing, sometimes it was worth it.
  12. Sulawesi are notorious for being difficult to feed. What is the opinion of putting some cherries with the Sulawesi to help them "get the idea" of what to eat and not be so shy about eating?
  13. Has anyone used Lowkeys absorption board? Are you nervous about it interrupting the Nitrite/Nitrate cycle? How long is it supposed to last- or know hen to change it out?
  14. I think last look KK was around $18-20.
  15. Nice review. "As long as its not made in China right? Right!" I had to laugh out loud on that one. LOL Asia is so far advanced in the shrimping industry it shames us. LOL
  16. I hope this works out well for you. I know nobody importing sulawesi.
  17. Personally I think the traps make you feel good because you are able to see planaria caught, but they are still everywhere- even if unseen. A while back when I had a planaria problem someone told me about planaria zero. I did some research and found it was not uncommon to have shrimp deaths from the use of it. This was one of my prized tanks with an unusual strain of cherries. I really couldn't afford to have any die. So, after some more research, I found fenbendazole wouldn't hurt my shrimp. After some more research I found "fish bendazole" has a more active ingredient than just dog wormer (at least that's what I read) and it just made me feel better knowing it was for aquariums. .1g per tenner. Mix in a cup of tank water and pour it in. Turn off light. Wait 3 days, and repeat if needed. Some people do a water change. That simple, and worked great. None of my ramshorns died off. I took out my mystery as a precaution (and take any nerites out as well if you have any.) I now have stocked up on this, and if hydra tag along to me from a shipment I use .05g. A nice low dose and over the next 3-4 days hydra disappears. Hardly ever use it now, but nice to know it is there.
  18. Can't the feds also charge you with illegal importing (if shrimp) and do a fine or jail time? Or is that a myth?
  19. Congrats! Yeah, breeding here is almost at a standstill.
  20. They're in Canada, so against the law to ship anything living to the US without importing papers, etc. I've heard good things about getting items from there though. There's some things I'm chomping on the bit to get myself from there. I've not done it yet though.
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