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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. *note to self* Find Lowes near here....
  2. Ah, but he said tai- tibees. Here's some examples: https://www.facebook.com/garnella.polska
  3. Molting is pretty weird/sickening/awesome to watch. LOL First they bend in half and split between the head and back (often where you see a clear line that people talk about), work their back half of the body out so they are wearing the hood still and then "pop" out so fast it's hard to see where they went. Seen it a couple times. You can tell the difference between grooming and getting ready to molt, because while trying to molt their legs will be straight down, not combing their tail.
  4. Mayphly, looks like those have the opportunity to be bred for color as well.
  5. Congrats! Told you it was a blast here.
  6. Looking forward to seeing more.
  7. Yeah. When I kept hem in so large an area, I think they may have had trouble with food.
  8. I was using a 30g before. Now I think I want to try a tenner.
  9. I used to boil the water with the powder in it, but man that made everything cloudy.
  10. Does it shoot lasers out of the eyes? Should you make it a little mask?
  11. Yepper. I tried a while back with granite shrimp, and they kept dying off. I think I'm brave enough now to try again. heh
  12. Good to know. It will be a while for my tank to build some biofilm, but maybe when I'm ready you'll have them. Even if not, I appreciate you chiming in. Does anyone else here have a steady supply?
  13. Not ready for them yet, but wondering if anyone here sells cardinal shrimp. I'm thinking about setting up a 10g for them, but would like to know current price so I can save up.
  14. I have extremely limited experience with buffering substrates since I focus mainly on neos, however I did like Up sand when I was using it. Some people say it doesn't last too long with tap, buut since I was using RO I found it lasted a very long time for me. Even up until I broke down the tank. Also Up sand doesn't leech ammonia. It did drop the ph to 6.3ish, which is a little low, but I didn't have to wait for months for it to cycle.
  15. Good call. I haven't seen many people play with cultivating mutations in crystals.
  16. Hey! Glad to see you could make it!
  17. Should probably do IAL as well. I was thinking SS, but since it could mean Salty Shrimp or Stainless Steel, it may be better to just leave that one alone.
  18. What's even more awesome is that I asked for 5. If they decide they will fill that, I'll send them out to other members to try and send on to snap some pics of what they are able to find. We all have to help each other right? Plus, it may help the shrimping hobby a bit more by giving a tad more publicity.
  19. yeah, it offers 3-d printing out of a variety of materials. You design it and send them the file to print. Everything from plastic to aluminum.to ceramic is possible.
  20. +1 drop that ph as they like the lower params.
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