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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Yeah, I miss that feature too. There's that button in the top upper right you can click on that says unread content. But from there, I have to forward to the end of threads and then go down under the blue bar to read the new stuff.
  2. I just have a sinking feeling any neo that's green is going to be called Jade or Nessie now.
  3. I mention the crossing because I have seen photos of Jade with both yellow and blue shrimp in the background.
  4. Excellent question! I know in reptiles, temperature often determines gender. I have found no experiments regarding this in fw shrimp.
  5. Awesome raok! Thank you Mr. F.
  6. From what I'm able to gather thus far... Green Jellies is a green strain from the occasional green thrown from oranges. Jade is a green strain made from a random throw from yellow x blue that appeared after several generations. I know my Nessies background, so I won't get into that- but is the above what everyone else has gathered as well?
  7. I had the white slime mold in my red claw shrimp tank. It would move from place to place. I didn't like it, heh
  8. Michal is awesome, no doubt about it. I don't agree with naming a one off shrimp a name though. To me, a strain deserves a name.
  9. It seems they are mostly looking at maturation and breeding. It's true that the higher the temperature the faster they grow, and berries hatch. The reason we choose to keep the shrimp at lower temperatures is they don't die as quickly and bacterial infections are kept to a minimum.
  10. I just learned that term this past year, myself. heh
  11. Ah. I see it in the profile, but not under the avatar next to posts.
  12. Will, there would be my downfall. I don't think I'd be able to separate my emotions to raise and slaughter. heh
  13. Heyya Maurice, Royal Whites are crs with just white, and no red/black. SSSS+? LOL
  14. Just random occurrence. Genes met up precisely in the right way to throw one. Happens in the best of lines.
  15. Looks like the wild form to me. Example of one of the variations of Neo Palmata Wild form You may want to start a small separate tank and move it and an opposite sex over to create the wild line. Many people are now starting to get into wild colored shrimp for their own beauty.
  16. I've posted this question before, but now looks like a good time to ask again. Is there a way to tell the difference between a snow and a royal white? I was told a royal white will still have the flower or lightning although empty. This one appears to have that?
  17. I'm not an expert, but it looks like bladderwort to me.
  18. Most people have black because the absence of color makes ANY color pop.
  19. Could be a wild throwback too. Are you able to get a pic?
  20. I don't think they are neos. I can't get the vid to work on my computer without flash, but they look like normal eyed royals with the first couple seconds. (?)
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