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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. How old is your daughter? Mine is 5 and is starting to appreciate the shrimp more. I compared them to porpoises one day with how they swim and the light bulb went on in her head. heh My son still occasionally calls them fish, but he is beginning to appreciate them too. (He's also 5. Twins) My oldest is 9, and he likes the idea of me (not him) having them, and is indifferent most of the time about them. heh
  2. I have to admit that I enjoy getting juvies more, but Wicca is correct. Pee Wee and juvie do better with acclimation. Adults are a little more sensitive, and berried is the most sensitive.
  3. I posted this at another form, however I figured I'd post it here as well. heh I have some brand new equipment I've never used that I'd like to put up for trade. I'd be interested in trading the whole shabang for 100 cherry shrimp, juvies and up. New and still in boxes, although some boxes may be damaged from opening : (2) Grreat Choice 10/20 Gallon Internal Power Filters (5) Tetra 10i Power Filters (14) Havells #77723 15T10/cl-120v aquarium light bulbs (2) Crysta-Lux #CC25 25w/120v clear light bulbs
  4. Yepper. Which is why 1 pellet may be all that's needed in a feeding if it's an established tank.
  5. Yeah. I've heard unless using a pressure chamber, the bubbles are a common occurrence.
  6. Beautiful. Did you have problems with bubbles in the seams?
  7. ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh purdy.
  8. The Okayama Parasite is the one that affects only males and is pretty harmless. It is pretty rare though.
  9. Haziness is not necessarily a sign of bacterial infection since different shrimp tissues have more density than others. This is what you need to look for: See how paper white it is?
  10. Depends on the brand you are using as to the color it turns. My API turns from orange to green with gh testing, Sounds like your gh is fine. Planaria tends to paralyze and then gang up. So chances are they either took the opportunity when your cherry was molting, or were on her after she was dead. Time to pull out the fenben.
  11. The snails climb on the lettuce, so when you take it out again, you are taking out the snails too.
  12. +1 Unfortunately with a molt like that, she is probably a goner. Check your gh and see where that is at.
  13. Were you able to keep green algae on the glass?
  14. I like the looks of mystery snails, however after having a few large ones die on me in different tanks and having ammonia spikes, I don't do them anymore. Funny how my opinion of them can change like that.
  15. You have the right idea, first of all. The more water, the more stable- and shrimp are more sensitive than fish to keep. You will have to measure gh/kh and TDS in addition to the "fish water" tests. If you want crystals (crs/cbs), OEBT, BTOE or TB, you are looking for a ph of closer to 6, which can be done by a buffering substrate with a lower than room temp. If you want neos, your ph 7+ should be fine with room temp. If you want Sulawesi, you are looking at 8+ for ph and a temp of 80+ Just about any snails are fine with shrimp, as long as they match the temp desired. Assassin snails are teh exception. They do a great job of getting rid of snail infestations, but also can get rid of some of your shrimp, too.
  16. Welcome! I wish I had started as early as you. Where are ya from?
  17. I think Wicca's holding out for Speedie to return. I like sponge filters gal.
  18. "introduce a pause of 2-4 hours in your program." Would you explain more? Give an example perhaps?
  19. "Creativity and diy is a lot in our hobby for sure " +1!!!
  20. Slapstick sometimes not only LOOKS painful! LOL
  21. Just a quickie shot from this weekend's set of shows. That's me bouncing off a wall and doing slapstick in the show. Not bad for a 44 yr old. LOL I've always been the type of actor called on for physical comedy.
  22. Welcome! Han is a good dude. Congrats on the babies. What colors do you have?
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