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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I think parva grows taller in low light, no?
  2. Lookin' great, gal. 2 questions Why did you take out the sponge filter Have you thought about a SS prefilter instead of the square sponge?
  3. The more you get into shrimp, the more different kinds you see in pictures.
  4. It's going to be hard here for a while while we work to build interest in the forum and membership. I know how the sales thang can be frustrating though. Especially when you figured you'd make some money back.
  5. +1 This would be a great section to have IMHO
  6. May be no reason to get plans for it at all. I just sent an e-mail off to the makers saying we are an aquatic community that would be interested in receiving and using these for determining disease in aquatics and selective breeding. We'll see what kind of response we get back. http://www.foldscope.com/# It actually resists being stepped on and dropped in water!
  7. 1.subtletanks91 2. wicca32 3. ravensgate 4. Triton (thank you!) 5. ShortGirl - awesome raok! 6. H4n 7. Shrimpinista 8. MLK 9. Soothing Shrimp
  8. Wow! Think you could nab the plans, darkcobra? I know NOTHING about electronics (well almost nothing), but I may be willing to give this one a shot.
  9. I hope someone takes you up on it. Unfortunately, I don't do planted tanks with my form of the hobby- but I know an overwhelming majority do.
  10. "Ita sad what the human race does to such beautiful creatures. " +1 and to each other!
  11. Same thing. I use this and get it from Ebay. It seems to have a more active ingredient. My own rule is .1g per 10 gallons for planaria, or .05g per 10g for hydra. Turn off light as it breaks down in that, and dose once and if needed a second time 3 days later. Some people do a water change after that. It's 250mg per packet, so just pour out the packet and cut it into equal piles for the .1g . Careful though, your partner may think it's cocaine. LOL:
  12. Anyone want to volunteer to contact the makers and see if we can do a group buy?
  13. We don't have an off topic area yet, so I had to post here. I saw this today and thought it was really neat. A $1 microscope has been invented that can magnify 2000x. The hope is that it can be in hospitals all over the world. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/super-cheap-paper-microscope-could-save-millions-lives-133616732.html?vp=1
  14. Yeah, if I ever get it up and going. heh
  15. I haven't been trying and I have at least 6 fry in the last couple months. People say the adults eat the fry, however they have been swimming amongst the adults and I haven't seen any go after them. Of course, the others may have been eaten. Who knows? I just feed flake, so they are not used to eating love food.
  16. I find it interesting as well. In a way it's cool to see where every color came from in a wild.
  17. Lookin' good, man. What's your dog's name?
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