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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I haven't noticed any param changes in my tanks. But then again, mine don't look like they are growing fungus?
  2. You'd think they would in the US. There's a lot of hobbies way smaller than shrimping that have specific mags. The challenge is you have to find your audience to buy.
  3. Agreed. Dried food IMHO can be fed for years. Shrimp are nature's clean up crew. Pretty underwater bugs. And at least the food is still nutritious.
  4. Seems like people who have hobbies come from all walks of life. I say go for it.
  5. Wait until you start singing musical songs. Everyone will think you are 2x nuts. LOL Actually I avoid teh whole nuts thing by being around other theatre people.
  6. *dramatic bow* Indeed I am, my good lady.
  7. Yepper. They look very threadlike.
  8. LOL Tanks should be fun, and I think so many hobbyists forget that is what they first were drawn to. Love your Chtulhu. Keep it fun!
  9. LOL A stage theatre. I'm co-founder/actor of a theatre group.
  10. Sometimes that's the best way to get through it.
  11. "I will try and post a picture of it but I can't seem to find the USB cord for my camera. " You are getting as bad as I, my friend. LOL
  12. I say we all just use fire torches.
  13. Busy today building a set for my theatre, but I'll add one soon.
  14. I recently bought SL-Aqua's version of snowflake to try with my shrimp. My thoughts? At first the neos seem attracted to it for a number of hours. Then they walk away and it slowly scatters in the tank. I haven't seen fungus grow on it as suggested, however I do see the shrimp occasionally nibble on it. That;s fine with me. I feel better knowing I can leave something in there that won't foul params or invite hydra/planaria. I still feed my regular food on feed days, but when the snowflake is gone, I will add more as a constant food supply. My Malawa jump on the stuff and continue with it until all parts are gone days later. Great food for them. My Red Claw shrimp are very picky eaters for some reason and will not touch many foods besides flake. They will eat this though, so I love I can give another food to them as well. I've gotten mixed results with my Marmorkrebs. The juvies will eat it no problem. The adult will slowly eat it over time. Over all, I'm very very pleased with this product. It's another food in my arsenal and I love I can leave it in without any problems. It may not look good in a show tank as the food scatters and is pretty easily seen on the substrate, but for me it works just fine. Anyone else?
  15. Okay, just so everyone knows where I am coming from, I bought both 1 and 2 and love them both. In Magazine 1 there were some great interviews with how keepers kept their shrimp and their params. Unfortunately it was very form like. Same questions for the interviewee to answer. Like it was sent to them via e-mail or snail mail and they had to fill in a form. Many of us expressed out opinions that we love the magazine with such awesome pictures and information, it it gets tedious reading the same format all the way through. Several of us expressed we would like to see some genetics articles as well. To the creator's credit, he not only read comments, but he replied and changed format and added additional info in the 2nd magazine. I received the 2nd mag earlier this season from Oblong Shrimp and it is jam packed with new information AND genetics info leading from the very basics of punnet squares to the more valuable information of selective breeding and bell curves regarding shrimp. Some diagrams are not needed or redundant, but this is easily forgiven as such information has never (to my knowledge) be offered in an American translation magazine before. Well done! I can't wait to get the 3rd mag when it comes out, so Will- hold one for me! What are other's thoughts?
  16. I can't imagine it would be a short shelf life since it is dried food.
  17. There's different types such as yellow nose, red nose, etc. But they are all pretty much the same. Beautiful shape, but won't have larvae survive in fresh water.
  18. What happens to them down the line, Louie? To make them not pretty I mean.
  19. That...looks...AWESOME! What is Tue, Thurs, Sat?
  20. Rhino shrimp? Yep. Won't breed with neos because they need saltwater for their low order larvae to survive.
  21. +1 I use Black Blast myself from Menards for my neos.
  22. LOL I know quite a few gal shrimpers, and quite a few guy shrimpers, but almost always their mates are not interested in their hobby. Mine has tolerated what I'm doing and even mildly show an interest here and there, but at least she's not 100% against what I'm doing. BELIEVE ME, when I say THAT is GREAT!
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