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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Better duck and run, Wicca! *grabs Wicca's hand and runs while the tomatos are being thrown*
  2. Tiny Ball Bearings? J/K Maybe a microgravel or something, but I have no idea who even sells that.
  3. Hong Kong is around 2 weeks. VERY small things can be here in around a week. I buy things from Ebay.
  4. I've stayed away from "no-planaria" because multiple sources told me that they suspected that is what killed some of their young shrimp.
  5. I guess I never understood the dirty tactics of some sellers. I've always tried to look for win-win situations. In the end, my own values and ethics are all I have to judge myself by.
  6. Amazon is a micro economy all it's own. Many ask for as much as they can get, and then come down little by little if someone else is offering the same thing. I used to offer shrimp on Amazon as a seller for a REAL market price, not that inflated crap. Then InvertObsession somehow started hijacking my ads and playing dirty by placing his name/title/description into what I had posted-making it so I didn't have an ad anymore. This went on at least 3 times in ALL my shrimp ads. I contacted customer support several times, but they said it has something to do with a customer matrix and as long as he was selling more than me he could take over my ads- even if I had a password- and I couldn't change it back. I even paid for codes, but it made no difference. Man was I pissed. I told support they could shove it and pulled all my ads.
  7. We are witnessing the birth of another shrimper. heh
  8. .1g of fenben per 10 gallons has worked for me. It WILL kill Nerites, too- and maybe mysteries, but leaves ramshorns alone.
  9. Well, kinda. More like wafer board, but it is cheaper than ply.
  10. Cool. I have an 8g filled about 1/3 up from the bottom with moss and am getting the occasional fry myself.
  11. I put my tanks longways on the shelves for viewing for culling. LOL Isn't the first time I've gone against conventional wisdom. Yes, a slight bow happens, however I also use 3/4" OSB underneath to help with the weight. I also use #20 bolts and nuts to attach the crossbar under each shelf to keep it from splaying. I have 5" from the top rim of the tank to the bottom of the next steel shelf beam. In between beams is hollow (and holds steel grate top and wood), so that is another 3" or so under.
  12. Poor oto. Sometimes the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Glad to hear your shrimp are doing well though.
  13. Will the one two punch affect hair algae?
  14. These are some of the cheapest I've seen that are high clarity and good quality: http://www.truaqua.com/high-clarity-aquarium-fish-tanks.html Keep in mind they are untempered though, so drilling will void any warranty on them.
  15. Yeah. Most of the hobbyists do that kind of angle on the tank racks. The reasoning is it stops the bowing in the center.
  16. Not only that, but that we have an admin who actually listens and is implementing what he is able!
  17. Sounds like you a have a good rack there.
  18. Liberty, I think it may be new to the USA, but if I'm incorrect I'm sure someone will jump in.
  19. What is the supporting weight of each shelf?
  20. For selective breeding, I think I'll stick with Taiwan, java or similar mosses. I have peacock (Christmas?) moss and it looks beautiful, but I can't see under or around it. When it grows, it hides whatever is in it.
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