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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. "...this why people sometimes sell "mixed mosses"..." Yep
  2. Interested in hearing your review.
  3. I hate the led bulbs. I rarely use that word, but in this case it fits. I've tried many led bulbs that "say" they are equivelant to such and such and the light is so dim it isn't nearly the amount of light I'm used to. Never tried the Cree ones though. Who knows? They may work better?
  4. Han, which boost pump, and how does it work? My water pressure is so low it takes over 3-4 hours to fill a 5g bucket.
  5. And also sometimes lost or misplaced by good meaning people.
  6. celestial pearl danios. Relatively new to the hobby. Egg layers.
  7. You'll never stop! Bwa-hahahahaaaaaaaa LOL Shrimp are kinda like potato chips. One you are opened up to them, you can't stop at just one.
  8. Mari, you sound like our kind of shrimper! LOL Welcome! We're pretty laid back and friendly here, so no worries about posting challenges you may have with your shrimp, or sharing tips with us you found along the way. Do you have tests for ph, tds, gh, kh? Ammonia testing is a good one, too. Again, welcome!
  9. Just add your name to the list and a random drawing will be made Wednesday(3/19/13) morning at 10am EST. .
  10. I went with purewaterclub.com . I like it and haven't looked back. I *do* want to encourage you to get the plastic wrench as well if you decide on one from there. That cheap plastic wrench is worth it's weight in gold!
  11. Fish with flowing fins will have them ripped by cpos. And fish can be in trouble as they sleep on the substrate, because cpos are nippy guys.
  12. Very generous of you. Get in on the action folks!
  13. Now shortgairl "slanders" everyone. LOL Welcome to the forum!
  14. They must have HUGE mouths. And FAST!
  15. Be careful with the dry ice. It's frozen CO2, so I wouldn't want it in an enclosed area.
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