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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Depends on the range your breeder raised them in. However most people keep them in ph of 6.5 with 0-1 KH. This may help you: http://shrimpkeeping.com/water-params/
  2. "so when some says they have a GH of 6, and I say I have a GH of 6 drops, is that the same thing?" Yepper. Same thing. By using drops we are actually using German degrees instead of ppm. This is actually dGH. If someone like me says they keep a range of between 6-9 GH for my neos, they usually have more than one tank where 6 is on the low end and 9 is on the high end. Make sense?
  3. Seems like a simple question, but an important one my friend. heh The type of shrimp will depend on the environment of your tank. PH, GH, KH, and so on. If you want CRS it will require lower ph, and people recommend special substrates to keep that down. If you want neos, inert would be fine with ph in the 7+ range. and so on.
  4. Keep us updated on the blue crays. I'm extremely interested. "I know I'm going to have hundreds of tanks of inverts and micro fish one day! The crazy shrimp lady!" LOL You should put that in your sig!
  5. LOL My wife just within the last year is starting to accept it as well.
  6. Great to have you here. Lots of shrimpers prefer to keep fish and shrimp separate because shrimp on the bottom of the food chain as you know. What kind of shrimp are you planning on?
  7. Someone please correct me if I am incorrect, however if you were to try to bring it up, you'd be butting heads with your buffer of 3kh.
  8. That's just a range you are reading in print. GH 4-8 means a GH of 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 In your case you are: 6 GH, 3 KH because that is the number of drops it took to change your colors.
  9. DC, we definitely need people who study the chems and alchemy of shrimp keeping. That's what beings us more knowledge and able to keep other shrimp!
  10. "My favorite shrimp and colors are the LIVE ones :)" Amen, sister!
  11. I like ken's fish, but shipping Ebay is usually free.
  12. Even though this deals with plants, you really don't want to make an incorrect assumption on your end. You could always call the dpt in PR and ask.
  13. See any here that look like it? http://www.bluecrayfish.com/different.html
  14. I don't think PR allows shrimp imports without govt paperwork. I could be wrong though.
  15. You should change the thread name to Stef and Darkcobra's Mad Chemistry Lab. LOL
  16. I'm super shy. You wouldn't believe it was me if you met me in person. heh But it's all I can do to keep up with forums!
  17. LMAO!!! First I've heard of crypt-itch, but among many that is so true!
  18. A lot of shrimpers use Salty Shrimp remin powder. Two types for use with common shrimp: GH, and GH/KH The GH is mostly for cards, although can be used with other shrimp as well. The GH/KH is mostly for neos/tigers/etc.
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