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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I would think it has to do more with hormones, mood and food/mineral ingestion than something floating in the water. Saltwater shrimp get floating water minerals for their shells, however it has not been proven that freshwater shrimp do- at least not in my research. Even then, the minerals are for hardening and thickening their shells, not to add pigment. Many people report that BB become more blue while with berries. That leads me to believe hormones play a larger part and they have the ability to enlarge or contract pigment on their shells due to the environment.
  2. If you do that, you want to use glass cleaner on the outside of it. Exterior Flat latex black paint,and economy brush. No thinning. Should take about 4 coats...well 3, but the 4th to block out any light you missed. Some people do just the back, some people do 3 sides. Edit: Make sure you get exterior. It hold up better to water, and you can even paint regular wood with it to water proof it.
  3. I'm glad to see new food brought in for us to try!
  4. +1 That happens more frequently than ya think.
  5. Some folks also do this with preordering.
  6. yep. That's why importers tend to import thousands of dollars at a time.
  7. I know this old thread was asking about dips, however if you find yourself in a situation of having too many snails in your tank, drop in a carrot, or weighted lettuce leaf. Wait a while, then just pull the snail heavy piece out.
  8. Any of them work. The cheapest paint may be latex house paint. Latex dries quick, and is water proof. I'd be paranoid about sprays, but I know many people have used those successfully.
  9. Hoping to hear soon on the feedback issue myself.
  10. Not at all. Mammals often need new blood, so it would sound if all animals would.
  11. A scientific paper was published a while back that showed shrimp inbred into the 12th generation still showed plenty of genetic diversity. What this means is you could breed your tank for years and not have to add new blood. This is a blessing for those of us whom like to improve on or create strains.
  12. Hey folks, there's a new member map tab on the site toolbar above! Click on it and you can see roughly where other members are in relation to you, and you can add where you are too!
  13. I don't think the longer lighting would play an effect...
  14. Another Illinois person? Me too. Welcome!
  15. I've had experience with that too when experimenting. That's one reason all my neos are on black substrate.
  16. If you have the space/money the best way is to breed the green velvet in it's own tank and then backbreed. Of course the best case scenario is if you have a GV male and fem.
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