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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Now see, if I was observant, I would have noticed that in the title. LOL Thanks. My daughter's gymnastics coach is from Romania. :thumbsup:
  2. Not many people working on homemade remin powders. Darkcobra is one of teh only ones I know so far.
  3. I agree danielt. They can tolerate it, but tolerate and optimal are two seperate issues. heh
  4. Oh! You and darkcobra and gonna have FUN talking this stuff!
  5. I'm waiting for my new camera to get here before I take pics of them either intererested or disinterested.
  6. When I was breeding ramshorns, I found spinach was like super food for them. LOL They would breed like crazy, but if I forgot to change water every couple days I'd have green water. Welcome! What country are you from? There's so much we can pick up from each other in different locations.
  7. Mine did too. Got rid of the eggs though. Don't want to have 100's of baby snails in my shrimp tank right now. heh
  8. If it saves money, you bet I'd be interested. And the pattern stays thesame throughout life.
  9. The challenge that comes with neos is because the colors are selectively bred. Cultivars, not mutations. So by crossing the colors, you mess up the modifiers.
  10. Neos are beautiful, and cards- although more picky- are quite stunning too. Welcome!
  11. They look great together! Here's some quick crs grading guides:
  12. OSB is cheaper for mesince I buy so much, but plywood should be fine as well. I like the idea of a rubber mat underneath, shortgal.
  13. Sounds like a carefully thought out plan, Amy. Be sure to use water conditioner to bind heavy metals/chloromines/chlorines.
  14. Heyya GreenBliss. Personally I would go for the larger one. The extra length on the side(s) will come in handy when putting plants/shrimp/etc in a holding container, and doing any maintanence/testing. I use OSB 3/4" for strength on my shelving units. How thick is your ply?
  15. That's coolish. Always takes awhile to figure out new things.
  16. The celestrial pearls will eat any and all eggs and new fry. Some people move them over to breed for a couple days and thens seperate the males and fems into another tank again. I'm experimenting with having an entire bottom covered in moss with the CPO in constantly. So far, 2 fry made it- but I wasn't even trying at that point. I'd attach a photo, but I've already derailed this thread enough. Sorry Mosspearl.
  17. Coolish. Yeah, Ijust may do that. I just opened a new jar of SS gh/kh, so it may take a year or so until I'm able to try a new remin....unless I decide to experiement with a single tank. I just bought 2 new tenners yesterday....hmmmmmmm
  18. Pretty sweet. After my SSgh/kh runs out, I may have to try my own remin.
  19. My wife doesn't understand why I love hot sauce, but I enjoy myself too.
  20. LOL So you needed an LED flashlight to see your noseprints, eh? No wonder you were occupied. You were cleaning off the prints on the glass. :-p j/k I picked up some new words with cooking from your recepie. I think I'll put them back down. They are too fancy for me. heh So withyour RO remin recipie, where does that put gh and TDS, and is that for 1 gallon?
  21. Congrats! I've been eyeing the white clouds for awhile. They sure are pretty fish.
  22. "Wait, what? You can put "normal" leaves in a shrimp tank, too?" LOL Yepper. Here's a small list of a just a few people have used in their tanks: Alder Almond Apple Apricot Ash Banana Beech Cherry Crabapple Guava Hibiscus Indian Almond Leaves (aka Catappa, Ketapang) Madrona Maple Mulberry Oak Peach Plum Poplar Schefflera
  23. As I wrote in my card to my mom when I was in elementary school: Happy V-D Day.
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