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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Hi Fox and welcome to our forum. Are you planning on keeping shrimp with fish? Are you using tap water?
  2. Wasabi has kind of a shady background. heh Many breeders are not exactly sure what they are besides neo. I've heard neo palmata and Neo davidi. Truth is, I think the original knowledge is lost so all we can do is guess (unless one want to spend $100 for a genetics test) and since Neos breed with Neos, who knows? heh
  3. Both look like cherries. Are you able to get a better pic of the one on the right?
  4. Looks like a cherry variety called Wasabi (although it may also be wild.) I think they look more like grasshoppers to me. Mine come in brownish to muddy greenish, but they all have the black markings like that. Strangely, mine don't breed nearly as fast as my other cherries. *shrugs*
  5. "I'm thinking hot water speeds it up" Makes sense. The molecules move faster in hot water.
  6. dave, thanks for sharing that. Very cool to learn that color could be associated with ph.
  7. Much better now. Thank you. Two adult deaths the day of the huge water change- which honestly would be expected. No deaths until today when I noticed a very young juvie on the bottom dead and that could have been from anything. All in all, very good. Looks like Major crises over. Now, most of the juvies need to mature to breed and carry on offspring. I'm hoping to move some shrimp over to the 20g by Friday.
  8. heh That's all you need to know. Cull the ones that don't look "right."
  9. "What can I do with lowing the GH in the tanks back to 7? Do water changes only with RO water?" yepper. Of course in turn you will lower TDS. I've dropped TDS over 200+ in a single water change before with my cherries, however the general rule is lower no more than 40 TDS a day for more sensitive shrimp, and ~100/day for non sensitive shrimp. Sounds as if your big fem was an adult. So it may be old age. What temp is your tank? The male may be a random death. Sometimes deaths together are enough to give an illusion of a problem when in actuality they are not connected. Your ammonia is zilch, so not that. (Once that cycle starts it's ugly to try to stop.) Keep an eye out for more deaths- but don't jump to conclusions yet. PH should be fine even at 8. --- Planaria have triangle heads with tiny eyes that look crossed. Yes, they will kill even adult shrimp (from experience), but you may not have that. You may just have nematodes instead. Get out that magnifying glass.
  10. If you soak/boil the driftwood, it should sink after time. I've also heard of people drilling under and filling with lead sinkers.
  11. If so, they've kept quiet about it. Not temp dependent as far as I know. Perhaps chems?
  12. Basically you have the get the modifiers lined up right in the shrimp that breed to create offspring with the same lined up modifiers. Not an easy task by any means- but can be done.
  13. I'm using Firefox 26.0 and it doesn't work for me.
  14. I wonder if they move fems over to a different tank, and these are selected rilis?
  15. Genes/modifiers/etc. Genetics is a strange cookie. When everything is lined up "perfect," the shrimp will crank out near 100% the same color. Very tough to do though, and takes lots of generations to perfect.
  16. I'm impressed as all get out that the rili shrimp show little degradation!
  17. 100% true means the color will always be the same color. If they throw royals, then it isn't 100%- although it may be close to it depending on how many royals are thrown.
  18. I don't do it either, however I checked it through my son's acct, and I still don't see the ponds.
  19. For myself, I find the breeding trinity is a bit of a challenge- but I tend to get a little crazy, as well as trying to create the occasional new strain. By far, the easiest way to selectively breed with as little time/space/money as possible is to wait until your tank has around 100 shrimp or so, and then cull down to 10-20 of the best. Then repeat again and again. Takes a little longer, but much more enjoyable for the average person- and if you are working with an already established strain, you should get some killer colored shrimp between 1-3 yrs. A relaxing road to take for a specific goal. The Malawa would take longer because no color strain exists yet (to my knowledge.)
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