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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. You seem to have a ton of tanks and great plans for selective breeding. You may be surprised how much time and effort it takes for selective breeding though. More power to ya!
  2. Did the 50+% (maybe closer to 70%) wa-wa change. Took out the moss and ammocarb so I can observe any adverse affects, however I'm willing to bet this will help quite a bit... BTW, I would not advocate such a big water change regularly, however sometimes drastic situations call for drastic measures.
  3. Some more Nessie deaths. Tested Ammonia. .5! I'm going to do a massive 50% water change today. Can't wait for the 20g to finish cycling. May lose some, but if it stops deaths, I may actually come out ahead. Wish me luck!
  4. Hey, I look great in a mankini. Don't have to worry about a thing. My gut covers my privates.
  5. Doesn'tChris Lukhaup have a food called Shrimp King? I haven't seen it around here.
  6. Been in the 20's lately, so not too bad anymore. This week is supposed to be a heatwave with the low 30's.
  7. Yeah. Snow is pretty, but like Florida needs air conditioners, Illinois needs Furnaces.
  8. LOL Nope. That's teh one word I always mispell in a post. My fingers do differently than my brain says. Go figure.
  9. Weird. On TPT I get the red lines under the word in a post I'm writing, but I don't on this forum. (?) I'm using Firefox as well.
  10. Is there a way to turn on a spell checker when replying to or making a post? I'm kinda notorious for hitting teh occasional wrong key as my brain tends to think ahead of my fingers.
  11. I remember once Mord saying that for hios more sensative shrimp he never changes more than 40TDS in 1 day. Perhaps after a top off too much TDS was changed? Puddles may be on to something.
  12. No more obvious deaths today either. That seemed to do teh trick. Sooooooo glad! Still moving some over to the 20 next week for more stable params. Yeah. Lots and lots of snow. -20F yesterday. A bit better today though.
  13. I had sp. babaulti for a while too. Mine were Dark Green. They would breed, but just enough to make up for any losses in the colony. Eventually I just gave them to someone else.
  14. My hobby is neos for the most part, and I always see logos with crs. Neos seem to be neglected or have the unfair connection of being only beginner shrimp. Untrue since experienced shrimpers like them, too! I'd love at least one rotating neo pic.
  15. I hear a lot of people like the Replashy Shrimp Soufflé, but also hear it can be a pain to make?
  16. Puddles, that's exactly what I am hoping to do. I learned the hard way from breeding projects before, that if tragedy strikes- the whole strain or project is gone. I want to make sure I can spare some from breeding first. Right now every one gone means less genes to form any type of colony. And with 100+ berries dropped, and ~15-20 deceased, that's a lot to make up. *sigh* Good news! With the ammocarb, no more deaths today!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the idea DarkCobra. I'm just now expanding into fish, and I see there's some crossover that will be helpful with shrimp as well. About the only thing I hear about is Prime, buffer soils, remin and Purigen in shrimping. Next move is to move some over to the 20g. Hoping to do so by the end of next week. Pro: Lots of room to feed'n'breed. Con: Finding each other when fem has molted.
  17. That leaves me out for pics since mine suck, but others who have my shrimp may post- making me a vicarious photographer. heheheheee
  18. Did you check for Ammonia? That started a vicious cycle on me recently. What is your water temperature?
  19. The saying goes that if the shrimp still have food in 3 hrs after feeding- then you are feeding too much. I feed my cherries M, W, F. That's it. Some people feed less than that. Some people feed more. It all depends on what you prefer. My Malawa are fed every day. I have so many in the tank they can turn cannibalistic if not enough food.
  20. Thanks for prayers Stef. I was actually debating on fishnets or hose. LOL Really. But I figured the media is too small for the holes this time in the fish nets. Ceramic rings may work in them though...or a hairnet. Thanks for the tip Merth. I actually found some cheaper accidently. I went to Walgreens and I found some for 1.50 and was about to walk away, and then saw on the very bottom shelf they had the little clear plastic bubbles (like in vending machines) with calf high hose for .69 ea. I figured, no cutting, just tie a knot after filling. Cool. So I grabbed them. 2 for $1. Not bad. In black yet. Just looked in teh tank...no more dead....fingers crossed!
  21. Thank MABJ. You mean like survival of the fittest? You could be correct. I wish I had more for breeding though.
  22. I like your logo as well, Steph. Very versitile and colorful.
  23. I think your logo is well done, Shamiak. As long as permission of photos is given in writing, everything is coolish.
  24. Back. I got the heater, ammo carb, and pantyhose. Although they would prob look quite good on me, I plan to put teh ammo carb in them and hang them in the tank behind the air sponge filter so some movementof water goes by. Holding off on the wc, and am hoping the ammo carb does the trick to stop deaths atm....
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