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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Certainly an idea. I'm low on moola right now for shrimping, so I'm off to wade through 3 feet+ of snow and drive to Walmart to get a cheap heater for a 10g and switch that out with a digital one made for 20g+ I had put into my guppy tank as a standby (and put teh digital one actually into the 20g.). I'll see if they have some kind of ammonia lock tangible, too.
  2. Thanks Steph. I've been trying to figure out other tanks as well. You and I think very much alike. Plus, after some placed in other tanks, I think I'm going to risk a 50% wc as well in the original tank. I'm sorry to hear about your recent challenges too, though.
  3. My Nessies have been dying off. 4 more in the last two days. Without even testing, I'm sure some ammonia is there because of dead shrimp bodies I have been pulling out/disintigrated, but if I do another major water change, I'm not sure the shrimp can handle it and I may lose more than if I did nothing (!).... As a desperate measure, I'm really thinking of throwing some into the new uncycled 20g set up. I'm hoping the large water body and low number of shrimp/low bioload will allow them to be healthy. I have to get a heater for the 20g first though. In short, if I can save even 5-10, the mutation will not be lost and I can rebuild a population. Remember the blood, sweat and tears part of selective breeding? This is one of the things that causes tears.
  4. I'm boring. I find a food and keep using it. LOL I like Jake's sticks w ca+, but I'm chomping on the bit to have Jamie make and perfect her foods. Whatever food I use, my favorte is pellets. They are a roughly already measured, easy to keep and feed since dehyrates, and easy to break smaller if needed.
  5. Looking through Publisher, there's a couple interesting fonts that are based on "spots". It's also possible to lengthen the logo without harm to the picture. Click to see how it would look lengthways across the boarder.
  6. New glitches sure are fun, aren't they? heh
  7. I've had very good luck with purewaterclub.com My big mistake when I first bought one was to not buy the pvc cap wrence for changing teh filters. Boy, does THAT make a difference!
  8. Good question. Don't want to accidently have copyright issues.
  9. Perhaps add "sold" into your thread title?
  10. Almost anything is possible with the right adapter fittings.
  11. Wonderful! Congrats on abeing a pioneer! Unfortunately for people in America, we have all kinds of laws shipping aquatic pets and plants internationally. Both sending and receiving. The reason you find it hard to find people willing to do that here in the US is because we risk fines and jail timeif we attempt it without proper paperwork. I really wish it was much easier for us to ship internationally. *sigh* Anyway, welcome aboard!
  12. Yeah. I'm kinda paranoid about good insulation. heh
  13. Actually you are picking a better time than the last two weeks. Due to the Christmas packages it was not uncommon for 2 day priority packages to take a week or more.
  14. Squeeze gently and it comes out in drops. Squeeze hard and it will spurt.
  15. I've mailed to TN before with no problems. Provided the seller knows how to pack in this weather, you should be fine.
  16. Yeah, it gets real problematic shipping around December.
  17. Beats me. You have no location under your name.
  18. I do, and some others as well. Check the for sale section. Unfortunately it's illegal for us to send international without the correct paperwork.
  19. Welcome. The shrimp are freshwater, and we don't add salt for them. Neocaridina davidi, which has the slang name of cherry shrimp, is often recommended for the person who has not shrimped before since they are hardy (in general) and can take a lot more "Oooops" than other shrimp. The neat thing is they come in lots of different colors, too. Since shrimp are a little more fussy about water params than fish are, some liquid tests you will need in the future are: KH GH TDS Nitrates Nitrites Ammonia Ph Most people keep their params in this range for cherry shrimp: PH: 7+ KH: 0 – 10 GH: 6+ TDS: 100+ Water temp: 70-75F Malawa are also a good choice- and cheap. Have you tested your water yet to find out your current params? That will tell you a lot.
  20. Didn't you know? Two holes with a hole puncher let O2 in and CO2 out better.
  21. Brand New Liquid Dropper Caps- .99 ea. Avoid the mess of spills and cross contamination by using these brand new dropper caps. The top is a rocker. Push down on the back side and the opening pops up on the other. Screws onto a 500ml bottle of Prime just fine. Never used before. The cap shown on the "Model Bottle" is one I use myself.
  22. I'm glad they are doing well for you, my friend. Thanks for the additional info on their travel!
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