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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I use the double sponge air driven in all my tanks for neos. If I have to take a sponge off for any reason, any shrimp that get sucked into the holes in the plastic beneath just get carried up and out with the bubbles. No casualties. You could use a stainless steel prefilter on yours. H4N sells them. Better than a prefilter sponge because it doesn't clog so easily and shrimp safe. Some people use one of the sponges from the double, slip it over the end as a prefilter and cable tie the other end shut. Some people just use a small pore prefilter sponge. Some people use pantyhose ties around the end as a prefilter.
  2. I can't get over how nice those moss balls look...
  3. I use trash cans to store the RO water. Check out purewaterclub.com for portable units at a cheapish price. I got mine there, and am really happy I did.
  4. LOVE IT!!! The berried one makes it easy to explain to newbies what that means as well. VERY nice job! Should make a great ad Banner as well since additional text would be no problem to add!
  5. You may have to fiddle a little with the temp to get to where you like it, but a stable 76 or so will allow them to adjust okay. The only thing I would be cautious with is too high of a temp too fast. However in this case it sounds as if you don't have too much of a choice using a non adjustable. Regardless, IMO temp in the 70's for neos is going to be more advantageous to you and your shrimp in the long run.
  6. Love it when hobbyists are friendly to each other. WOW! Talk about an adventure! Puts my using SS to shame. LOL Good to hear your shrimp are doing well so far.
  7. I would definitely try raising the temp to ~70. Your range then would be 70-76F and would be more beneficial to them methinks. The idea that lower temps hold off bacterial infection is true, but with cherries- sometimes lower temps can actually be detrimental- at least in my experience.
  8. As a neo lover, I'm interested in your new idea!
  9. I just push 'em back again. Eventually they stay, but I have been playing aroudn with getting these. The suction cups on my heaters drive me crazy!
  10. You could zoom in even further to do something like this... But now it kinda looks Jack the Ripper-ish. LOL
  11. Still a work in progress. While I have a lot of nice dark royal blues, I still have some that are lighter like my DBVs and some that look splotchy. A little like carbons. Out of paranoia, I have sold some so the genetics aren't lost, but as said- they still need some work. Once I get this generation breeding well though, I'll probably start selling the offspring with the understanding that other hobbyists will be able to bring this truer to what the goal is.
  12. Is it possible to sub moss in place of Ivy?
  13. BTW How much do blue wizards/cobalts go for now? (I've also heard they do not breed true.)
  14. Well...actually, I'll let you in on a secret. A while back I had a mutation throw a couple blues that had promise. So, I isolated them and bred them out. I've been working on these for a year...two years? Time all runs together when working on so many projects. 1st step was to make sure they threw a majority of blues. Currently I'm near 100% blues thrown. Made that goal. Now my goal is to create a dark royal blue without it looking black. Here's my new strain of Sapphires so far... (I know they're crappy pics, but at least you know I don't do photo retouches. LOL) What do you think?
  15. Is Mg Citrate okay to dissolve in water with aquatics for minerals?
  16. That's cool. I'm in the process of switching out my $7 heaters for digital ones. The $7 ones are never near the actual temps so take some fiddling, but last about a year or so until I can afford the $30 ones.
  17. I'm 5' 6" I would need a ladder for the 7' tall shelf. LOL
  18. I've read that as long as the water is highly oxygenated, the earthworms can live quite a long time under water. Coolish. heh Love that show where the puffer is looking straight at'cha. heh How large do these get?
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