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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LMAO! Sounds like me! I research until my eyes bleed! LOL
  2. Netting muscles for catching shrimp. You'll be sore until you are used to it. Welcome!
  3. Nice. I was doing that project for awhile for a different reasoning. The challenge I had was trying to lose that last bit of pigment near the tail. heh Remember to keep his strain/improve on it, cull any that have splotch pigment on them. Of course, maybe you'll be smarter than I was and set the pigmented tail trait, and call them paintbrush or something.
  4. http://aquashrimps.ru/biblioteka/useful/kanoko-shrimp.html One of my favorite shrimp strains of all time. Like anything else, shrimp go in fads. Not enough interest in the kanoko, and the strain died out.
  5. Neil, funny you should mention this. I'm about to selectively breed my pfr that have the black on them too. Current theory is the black comes on as they get older. I'm skeptical about that though. I'm actually thinking this is the way the now extinct Kanoko strain was created. If you find something interesting, feel free to breed it out. Lots of hard work, space, money and tears- but well worth it emotionally if you succeed.
  6. Soothing Shrimp


    Couldn't have said it better myself! Happy Easter!
  7. I think it depends what region one is from as to whether or not it is desirable. In the US dragon coloration took off. Now it is hard to find red without dragon.
  8. Yepper. Phenotype just means how they look. Genetics can be different, but two animals may look the same. White Pearls/Snowballs are Neocaridina Palmata. The dotted line is a forum feature. If you hold your curser over it, it shows what the abbreviation stands for.
  9. yeah. I remember imke, but I don't think she was the admin. She got out of shrimping anyway.
  10. I think the thread has run its original course from the market section now folks. Feel free to continue any discussion on heat packs in the care area.
  11. Anyone know who the admin was of Shrimpnow?
  12. Here ya go: http://www.redbubble.com/people/rah-bop/works/10662436-caridina-cantonensis-family-tree
  13. Anyone have any crystal whites for sale?
  14. Yeah. That's what usually happens in those instances.
  15. One theory is that it was Ellen.....
  16. A selective shrimp breeder from Taiwan. Known for her PRL lines, mostly.
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