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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. 84 is pushing it. 78 is okay. I found when my tanks were at 84, breeding stopped.
  2. I've been trying to think of ways to let others know about this forum. Generally other forums have rules about posting about other forums, so ideas would be welcome methinks! Mag Ad in an aquatics mag AB banner Others?
  3. You always have the option of betta heaters.
  4. My only guess is to raise the ph to around 7+ for more baby survival.
  5. Fingers crossed for ya, buddy.
  6. I know it was a joke, but comments like this can get out of hand really fast. Let's leave topics like that around the water fountain, okay?
  7. I agree with the idea that if there are no chems in teh shrimp water or snail water it should be fine. Turtles and herps may be a different concern due to salmonella though. (?)
  8. No need to pull your funds. If they don't hit their goal, no funds are pulled anyway.
  9. *shrugs* It still would make a pretty conversation piece.
  10. I just looked through it a 2nd time and didn't find that anywhere. Perhaps I am missing it somehow? There's warnings several times not to eat food from it: "There are simply too many unknowns, and nobody wants a case of salmonella poisoning! It is not recommended to eat anything you produce through the EcoQube." It's fine if you stick to pretty plants to look at though. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kevinzl/ecoqube-desktop-ecosystem-that-grow-flowers-and-he
  11. Here's their disclaimer: "Herbs and micro-greens can be extremely great filters and will thrive with the EcoQube, but for that same reason, it is EXTREMELY unsafe for food consumption. Chemicals used for aquariums are NOT safe for human consumption and the plants WILL soak these chemicals up. Consumption of the plants grown in the EcoQube is NOT recommended for human consumption." Note: The large type is theirs, not mine.
  12. ...and I Act and do selective breeding, so if you want...uh...never mind. heh
  13. If they are doing injection molding, I'd imagine that is to create the tank in one piece (at least the bottom portion) to eliminate any seam.
  14. Soothing Shrimp


    Sweeeeeeeeet! Wet saw?
  15. And as an added plus we don't drown that way. LOL
  16. So are angels pretty easy to breed? How do you tell the males from the fems?
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