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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. heh They look like spiders.
  2. I suppose biofilm could in theory collect there as well.
  3. So, if there's plants in the tank that essentially do the same thing, why run it through a plant "filter" up above at all?
  4. Many prefer to keep them between 68 and 72 to minimize bacterial infections. I have heard of a few people keeping them at 78F, but you have more risk that way.
  5. I've been doing a journal for personal stuff. LOL
  6. Hey! You made it! Welcome over here.
  7. Others will have to answer that one, as I don't use it. However if your TDS does rise, it is likely to have inorganic ingredients leeching out. Here's a neat little link for ya: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/articles/news/adas-substrate-article-characteristics-substrate-materials-unperceivable-just-their-ap
  8. Looks pretty good. Salty will drop your TDS some so you'll be in a better range for "playroom." So, I'd say fine for now.
  9. So whats the diff between a blog and a journal?
  10. Yepper. I'll have them, GreenBliss. They breed pretty well for me and I have to admit that I really like them too. The black lines are pretty cool against the silver or golden backgrounds. They do great in small tanks as well as big tanks, which is a huge plus in my book anytime! I'm pretty sure I'll still have the lower grade carbons for sale as well. Some could even look close to a Nadal Blue RIli with some work. (blue pigment on head/tail with blue tissue midsection) I just have too many other projects to pursue that one, so the pigment is random unless someone breeds for it.
  11. Sounds like a plan to me. Just switch them over when you have the new product.
  12. LOL Some say that is a waste. I say it's security.
  13. Well, let's look at it this way. Fluval is what you have on hand. Can't use what you don't have...
  14. Ferts and shrimp usually don't mix. Many more horror stories than good outcomes, but more power to ya in whatever you decide to do. Since I don't to ferts, my only guess would be yes it would raise TDS.
  15. As long as your ph and TDS are in the ballpark, they won't die from kh/gh water in just a couple days. It takes time to affect them and usually affects molting. BTW, the http://www.theshrimptank.com/water-conditioners/saltyshrimp-shrimp-mineral-gh-kh/ product looks good. I haven't had a chance to try it yet though.
  16. LOL We can use all the points of view we can get, my friend. "I wish you could just press a button and have your water programmed ideally." And short of having thousands of dollars of equipment, we have to do it by hand. UGH! heh
  17. BTW here is where I get mine from: http://www.alphaprobreeders.com/bee-shrimp-mineral-gh-1-000-grams/
  18. Parameters IMO are pretty good, just needs bumped a bit. Here's a wide guideline: PH: 7.0 – 7.4, KH: 4 – 8, GH: 6 – 10, TDS: 100 – 180 Having no kh will cause your ph to swing. CRS can't handle kh, Tigers can. Mineralplus, replenish, and fluval can all raise gh- but do affect TDS as well. I use RO, but I like the clean slate to work with. Salty Shrimp is a great remineralizer that will take care of all your concerns in one swoop.
  19. One sided feedback does sound like an interesting idea. Then the buyer doesn't have to be concerned about "revenge."
  20. "ebay's feedback system only allows sellers to leave buyers positive or no feedback." +1 I think the system allows the seller to post a comment on their own negative feedback as well to do a brief defense of what happened..
  21. That's the kind I use, however I found the best prices on Ebay at various times throughout the year. I use only 72hr because...well...I go overboard with insulation and protecting my aquatics. I'm a bit paranoid about their arrival. heh
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