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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Parameters IMO are pretty good, just needs bumped a bit.  Here's a wide guideline:


    PH: 7.0 – 7.4, KH: 4 – 8, GH: 6 – 10, TDS: 100 – 180


    Having no kh will cause your ph to swing.  CRS can't handle kh, Tigers can.


    Mineralplus, replenish, and fluval can all raise gh- but do affect TDS as well. 


    I use RO, but I like the clean slate to work with.  Salty Shrimp is a great remineralizer that will take care of all your concerns in one swoop. 

  2. Low Grade Carbons- 4.95 ea. (The top shrimp in the photo is a low grade.)

    While selectively breeding to improve my carbon strain, some low carbons are produced along the way. These are often blue with flecks of darker blue on them. Very pretty, but don't fit into my breeding program. proud.gif.pagespeed.ce.t_qHhiLIdn.gif


    Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) $1.95 ea.

    North America's smallest fish, and one of the smallest fish in the world! These were bred from wild caught and now I'm on the 3rd to 4th generation of tank bred. No more need to take from the wild for these Fish, and used to tank conditions! Males get to be around 3/4", and females around 1". Live bearers and very hardy! Selling these around 1/2" or so.


    Shipping is a flat $10 and covers priority insulated box, and breather bags. If you need a heat pack, please let me know. I usually ship on Saturdays for best chance of live arrival. icon_smile.gif.pagespeed.ce.nuZG_6txEH.g

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