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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL I'll still have to pay for the little bitty indigestion tablets.
  2. I use ramshorns quite a bit in my acrylic tank. I also use a toothbrush to clean off any remaining algae on the front glass.
  3. Great! Thanks! For those that don't know, Ravensgate is pretty much the guru of shrimp health foods and natural shrimp meds! 8. Soothing Shrimp 22. JerSaint 41. Mosspearl 76. MarkNJD15
  4. Do I hear Barry White in the background?
  5. I have cherries so don't need lower ph, but I *have* thought about a mesh bag of substrate to lower ph in a HOB or hidden behind plants.
  6. I found a way to take care of hair algae. heh I take the moss out and put it in my red claw tank. They act like amanos, clean the moss and I'm good to go again.
  7. Have you given thought about how to drop the ph?
  8. Your attitude about finding out what happens before jumping the gun is very refeshing.
  9. LMAO! I'm a stay at home dad, so I have my kids around me, the computer in front of me and my tanks surrounding me.
  10. I have to admit, I check here first as well- and then after that multiple times throughout the day. This is a fun place to be.
  11. Agreed, however I can also see it going the other way too. I've been on other forums where the comments were, "Those don't look that great." "Too expensive." "You can get the same thing cheaper at ..." and so on.
  12. Not a bad idea. I use a permanant marker the same way. A wet cloth and it comes off.
  13. Yellows. What a nightmare. Now you know why I bred my own strain. That and them being so sensative they would die if I even looked at them funny.
  14. gh+. I have many different animals and don't want to have different jars if I don't have to.
  15. I want this shrimp forum to succeed, so allow me to help to GET THIS PLACE ROCKIN'! ...or should I say RAOKin'? LOL I'm offering a $25 RAOK to use toward ANY of my shrimp (not crays) that I have posted here! Heck, I'll even SPLIT THE SHIPPING COST with you in HALF! $10 $5!!! AND if you need a heat pack, I'll throw that in FREE too! You can even use part of your $25 RAOK to pay for the $5 shipping split, if you'd like, so everything comes to you FREE! Not one penny would have to come from your pocket if you choose! Here are the rules: 1) Put your ShrimpSpot name in numerical order 2) Tell why you like this forum I'll draw a number via random generator on Friday Nov 15 around 1pm. Winner has to contact me via PM Friday afternoon/eve with their order/address for Sat morning shipping. Coolish? 1. 2. 3...
  16. I have my eye on branching out my selective breeding hobby into even more aquatic animals, but first I have to keep maintaining what I have. Oh, the insanity of keeping up and maintaining it all! Oh, by the way, I gotta work on my pic taking, but at least you know I don't artificially color my pictures. LOL Well, here we go! All shrimp kept in RO/Salty Shrimp, TDS 300+, PH 7+ Orange Sakura- $2.95 ea. Are there genetic difference between these and pumpkins? Some say yes, some say no. Supposedly the two (pumpkins vs orange sakura) were developed separately by separate breeders, but the name has been used so interchangeably, who knows anymore? I *just* started selectively breeding these. BV (Bred with DBV culls)- 3.95 ea. A back story about these. I've selectively bred over the years for darker blues for my DBV strain. Earlier this year, I decided to go for a darker shade yet and culled my DBVs into my BV tanks. Imagine my surprise when my BVs started having babies of darker colors by breeding with the DBV culls! Now my BV tanks range from BV to medium DBVs to DBVs! They ALL have the modifiers now to differing degrees! Babies start with red, then the BV mutation makes it fade away leaving the beautiful blue body color by roughly juvie stage. Very pretty. I don't think I even need to say this, but just to appease some people: BV shrimp will be selected randomly, so please don't ask for certain shades. Schoko (Chocolate) Shrimp- 2.95 ea. Stock imported from Germany. The past few years I've selective bred to reduce culls and breed a consistent dark color. Over the past year I've seen no cherries thrown, and about half a dozen blonds. I have had maybe 2-3 blues thrown, so that is in the genetics- although rare. Malawa Shrimp- 1.95 ea ***The Malawa Shrimp are NOT known to crossbreed with ANY other shrimp!*** Pic is of Malawa on a 12" leaf. Often they have tiger stripes, and colors can range from reddish-brown, greyish-black, blue, to greenish-clear. [Please don't ask for specific colors since they all have the same genetics.] Keep in mind, to my knowledge no one has bred a color strain of these yet, so the opportunity is there. Marmorkrebs (Marble Crayfish) 2.50 ea. The only known self cloning crayfish. Neat pet for keeping in a hardscape tank by themselves. When mature these are perfect for producing food for feeding fish/turtles/Axolotls, etc. These are nearing 1/2" in size and can reach 3-5" at maturity. They are opportunistic feeders so will eat flake, pellets, plants, just about anything you decide to feed them. Easy peazy. Shipping is a flat $10 and covers priority insulated box, and breather bags. If you need a heat pack, please let me know. I can ship Tues Nov 12 or Saturdays starting Nov 16th.
  17. Interesting. So basically useless in a dirt envornment, eh? OKay, so is there some anti-gas treatment to allow gass to disapate?
  18. How many hours of light are you doing for your tanks now ravensgate?
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