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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Can MTS be used for dirt substrates as well? That would eliminate the pokinginto teh soil in a natural way.
  2. I do the dry erase marker as well to write all kinds of things on my tanks that I need.
  3. I think planted tanks are awesome. As a selective breeder though, I can't have them because the shrimp either hide or are impossible to catch. So, my "planted" tanks are all moss in the corner. heh
  4. LOL Keep us updated. This is the part I love about selective breeding!
  5. LOL I thought the same thing mosspearl. heh That and ramshorns. I hear ya on the too many tanks, Oblong! I gave up on feeder dishes myself because the cherries carry the food and disperse powder so much that what's the use?
  6. Red Cherries are kinda funny. Sometimes teh shells are clearish, and other times they can be any color of the rainbow. Most times it doesn't give away teh color of the offspring though. On the other hand, the see through varieties such as rili, BV, etc tend to have much clearer shells and sometimes you can even judge how soon hatching is by what color you see on the eggs.
  7. I thought tis was an interesting concept of a feeder dish- and pretty cheap too. http://www.aquariumhk.net/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=112_218
  8. Okay. I was just wondering since usually only 10-20% is recommended to help keep params stable.
  9. Absolutely true Mark. I was trying to go for laymans terms for people starting out in the hobby.
  10. Yeah. I'm still trying to figure things out myself. I really don't know if there is a god answer, but I'm on a quest to find one.
  11. Good thinking, Oblong. I personally use almost all tenners.
  12. My guppy had fry yesterday and I had her in a breeder box. Not thrilled with it. The fry are supposed to drop through the floor and be safe. Instead, most wound up swimming...and mom took advantage of several by having a free snack. I then spent two hours watching and netting eachone as they would "appear." and transferring them to their own 10g. Anybody have ideas about what their favorite breeder box is?
  13. I hear ya. Just as there's awesome people in each generation, there's jerks that arise too.
  14. Just be glad they are not re-enacting Romeo's final scene!
  15. No no no! That's Parrot guard. That's where you use a bird to...well...nevermind. *ducks and runs*
  16. I really respect all your knowledge you must have for editing! I rewrite scripts a lot, but that's for stage. No one has to "read" that!
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