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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. GreenBliss, how is your ammonia level? Oblong- I've read the dojos are possible to breed, although rarely do. That's why I asked. heh
  2. Heyya GreenBliss! We have great people coming here!
  3. What do you press on? When I press on the Image icon, it only gives me a URL text box.
  4. Yeah, mine are wallpapers. Merth- a soccer one?
  5. Goldfish will eat them if they fit in their mouth- and they can get ahold of them. Don't know about dojo. Have your dojo ever bred for you?
  6. Is it possible to have a browse feature so we can upload pics from our computer to here? I *hate* having to upload to a picture site, grab the url and then reupload to a post. It's a pain for me.
  7. mosspearl, well now ya know. LOL Hey! Good to see ya here Han!
  8. I know some people that may help. I'll pm them after I take my kids to school. I think we should make this into a contest with poll at the end of a specific time. People can feel free to pm who they want to come and vote for them here.
  9. How about water? http://stormizakki.deviantart.com/art/Custom-Water-Background-177483958 or http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ImuKTT9Fg0c/Tcl2WzOaA4I/AAAAAAAAAKs/knx5lSTUc8k/s1600/pure-water-background.jpg
  10. When I first got purple snails, I had bad lighting and they looked brown striped. For a long time I thought they were browns. The day I got good lighting, BOY did they pop!
  11. LOL Prob wasn't if I noticed one was missing, the problem is when they play dead and tryig to figure out if they are playing or not.
  12. heh yeah, lots of breeders use that term when talking about their neos or cards.
  13. You'll be fine. You may want to feed at one spot for the snails, then wait a little bit and feed at another for the shrimp. The only probs I've ever had with mystery snails is dying and causing ammonia spikes before I figured out they were dead.
  14. LOL I will tomorrow. I gotta find a wacky one to fit my personality.
  15. So far, the best method I have employed is to raise the temp a little and keep the same lighting all year long. They still slow down in their breeding, but not as badly this way.
  16. Here ya go: BB= Blue Bolt (Taiwan Bee) WR= Wine Red (Taiwan Bee) BTOE= Black Tiger Orange Eye Tibee= Hybrid of Tiger x Bee (Usually Tiger x CRS/CBS) Card= Short for Caridina RBT= Royal Blue Tiger BEBT= Black Eyed Blue Tiger BTBE= Black Tiger Black Eyed (Both BEBT and BTBE are very rare to find right now.)
  17. That's easy. You get "mutts." Next? hehehheheheheheheeeee
  18. +1 Barometric pressure plays a part methinks. You can "fake" seasons with lights, temp, etc. but there has to be something more that what we are doing that they can sense. That being said, you will always have the occaional hobbyist that doesn't have any problems at all, but I can tell you my shrimp definately slow in their breeding for the fall/winter.
  19. No need for mods yet. Hopfully we'll have oodles of members soon though!
  20. I'm so excited to have another shrimp forum to play at!
  21. That's awesome! More? Um... will these help? TB card NeoTBOEBTBTOEBEBTBKK aka KKPFRWRCPOTTPRL PBLTibeeMTS BV RBTBB RO BP
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